Lvl 11 Twinks - I Understand Now

You’re wrong. You’re not the center of the world.


It’s bad for a new player
It’s bad for players who want to learn the game
Not everyone wants to speed through things

Players say it is what everyone wants, but that is so not true judging by all the posts every expansion about this same topic.
I can imagine a poor baby frost DK dps’ing, slowing the group down getting kicked and not understanding why when all the DK did was use frost DK abilities as an example

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My suggestion has been to add an “avoid xpoff players” option so you don’t queue into them if you don’t want. Trial accounts and max level players without the expansion could be counted as xpoff as well.

Allowing xpoff players to queue into certain content solo that normally requires a group could be nice as well.


I don’t recall ever saying i was the center of the world… is that how you try and win an argument, blatantly lie about what someone else said then base your argument on a lie?

That’s pretty sad.

Let me clarify since you seem confused.

Speaking of people who think they are the center of the world, your viewpoint is a minority opinion… and a tiny minority at that… your view on speed TW runs is shared by a handful of forum complainers at best and realistically almost nobody in-game.

That’s the REALITY of the situation… ive run hundreds of twink runs… HUNDREDS… and all i ever run into are grateful happy people who want me to stay… i know from experience what you claim in a world of denial… you are the minority… sorry if that bothers you, but that’s the truth… and to prevent your next lie, i never said, nor implied i am the center of the universe, my only stance is that the vast majority of people who actually play wow and do timewalking enjoy and prefer a fast run… nothing more, nothing less.

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If said 11 is in all blue timewalking gear he/she will definitely smoke even the most geared level 80 players. Twinks like that can 3 shot bosses by themselves


Yeah, I’m just trying to get through this 34752876th TW dungeon as quickly as possible, get my tokens and gtfo

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Normally it’s 4 shot, not 3 shot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, my lv11 twink is a ‘mess around’ character because I can…and once they finish all the lv10-15 (or lower) zones in the game, then they’ll level to 15 (to do the 15-20 zones).

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You mean to say they dont see the system as fun nor viable as anything but quick runs?

Yeah, go do keys for that, thats why theres a timer for, you weirdo sweaties in a non esport game.

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Test your theory and vote to kick the next twink you are grouped with.
Lets see how that works out for you.

Funny you say that. The two times we had a degen skip everything was voted and kicked.

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ANY player that just runs straight to the bosses deserves to get kicked. Id be right there with you voting to kick them.
But the VAST VAST VAST VAST majority of twinks are not doing that.

I’m right there with you on those toxic players.
But the majority of us are not like that.

Source:Trust me bro.


Blizzard messed up TW as soon as they made the dungeons scale up to us instead of scaling us down to them like it use to be.


most people joining a dungeon at lv 11 are near naked thats why the scaling tends to be off so bad

I have been kicked five times while leveling about 20 characters all tank since tww started in timewalking most groups dont care and just want fast dungeons especially if I’m spamming and people are staying behind for more fast runs its near a nonexistent chance at that point to actually succeed in a kick you dont even need to be a geared twink to near one pull dungeons between bosses even if the healer is nonexistant if you know the dungeon and how to play

This should be a thing or they should be on in their own queues. They force their single player experience on everyone and it is thanks to others in the group not being their own level that they get to abuse the poor scaling system.

Its fun just to run in and oneshot things right, let them have their own queue, hell let them queue alone nd farm all the gear they want for themselves in their lvl 11s.

But forcing everyone to just run behind looting corpses or just afk is stupid. We like playing the game Im sorry that you dont and youd probably be ok with a free loot button.

I actually like when I get into a Dung and there is a 11 Twink. Nice fast run. :slight_smile:


So you would like queue time to multiply by however many groups you are segregating?

If youre ilvl 630 getting as you say “smoked” than youre obvs garbage at the game. But that was obvious.

Twinks are the same at 11 as they are at 80
Bliz has to scale things so that a level with 20 stats can kill things, add 200 stats to that and its a twink and 10 times more powerful
at 80, same exact thing a new 80 might have 10,000 stats, a mythiced out toon 50,000 stats. So 5 times more powerful
But we are going into a new patch, the twink will stay the same but the 80 will gain more power and be equal
Then we get another patch and the 80 will be more powerful. same as it has always been

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