Lvl 11 Twinks - I Understand Now

Please read through my responses. I’ve already addressed this.

apolgizes then, i only read your first post.

Most twinks I know are “the old guard” I’ve been playing since release, why would I not make a twink to make content I’ve done 10000x before faster?

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Blizzard wants there to be power progression even when leveling. This is kind of dumb considering you level so fast baseline. Unless you turn off XP you never gather many gear upgrades at any level before moving on to the next (which drops gear at a different item level and all your existing gear gets weaker every level because of secondary stats).

You can never balance level scaling in a way that won’t massively benefit xpoff characters without entirely screwing over people who don’t turn it off if you also want to have a power progression fantasy (that people don’t actually experience when leveling via gear upgrades, but Blizzard pretends that they do).

To eliminate the massive power gap you’d have to either:

  1. remove xpoff as an option entirely

  2. stop adding a gear related power gap at sub-max level

For 2, you could just have all sub max level gear function like heirlooms and adjust to what would currently be a medium ilvl for any given level. You could even do this to max levels as well when playing with sub-max levels so everyone would effectively be on an equal level gear-wise. Blizzard will never do this because they think power progression fantasy is a “pillar” of the game, but they fail to realize it’s not a pillar they live up to in any scaled content where max level and sub-max level players play together (or for sub-max players ever in any content).

Low levels also benefit from other oddities such as how spec aura modifiers affect low levels compared to high levels. This is why say resto druid and resto shaman hit much harder than any of their other specs at low levels. They get big spec damage modifiers to their base abilities. At higher levels DPS do more damage from all the talents and what not, but at low levels you have nothing but the base abilities and the healer specs base abilities hit twice as hard in some cases due to the spec modifiers that are used for end-game balance.

Fury warrior is only a twink meta spec because of how whirlwind interacts with lifesteal. That enchant is ppm rather than rppm like most enchants and has a chance to proc per hit. WW hits multiple times and has a chance to proc lifesteal every hit. Lifesteal carries twink fury warrior damage where lowbie healer specs just do a lot of base damage from their actual abilities.

If end-game spec modifiers didn’t apply until higher levels when you had more talents and some old enchants were changed to RPPM and gear ilvls were adjusted for sub-max levels to not give them end of expansion equivalent gear levels compared to higher levels, then maybe twinks wouldn’t be miles ahead of even geared 80s. The 630s above saying they crush twinks have likely never been in a group with a meta spec twink that is fully geared because even they get crushed. They can beat lowbies in less gear or lowbies of specs that don’t have additional advantages. They’d probably crush low level warlocks for example, but fully geared meta spec twinks will destroy your mythic ilvl 80s.

I made a level 1 twink rogue…he 2 hits Bellygrub in Redridge…seems odd.

1 spell…no stealth…

I’ve never tried level 1. Do they just do world content?

I had a level 1 a long time ago when people dueled outside org. That was about all he was good for, one-shotting the level 10 to 20’s that ran by and would duel when they saw it was a level 1
I should look at my account and see if its still around

A lvl 1 twink would be pointless… would pretty much be banned from everything. Short of walking around outside.

you can kill anything in Elwynn with scaling now, and most things in Redridge, etc.

elemental force, trinket that goes boom! can’t eat, or potion, lol…

Hogger goes down…

I’m actually not referring only just to twinks, but to say that many of these newer players are speeding through content because that’s the way Blizz has designed it. New players are skipping content that we rode through the ranks with.

You are completely correct, most twinks are the old guard. I think it’s a way to keep things interesting.

I have no issues with twinks. I’d be a hypocrite if I did, because I have a few.

My issue is with the scaling. It’s weird to see a 70 level difference when doing content. But that’s just my opinion.

yes its by design, they try to con new players into thinking this is the power cadence of the game but they soon realize the con job. simply because Blizzard foolishly believe, unlike long time players, the new players are not as dumb as a sack of rocks.

I’ve noticed in Cata timewalking there are several effects that don’t scale correctly and just one shot low levels.

Infectious plague in Tol’vir will hit a level 10 for more than twice their maximum health.

Something on the first boss in underwaterville hits you for more than your max health (thankfully the boss was basically dead already but went immune and entered second phase anyway).

The dragon boss in Stonecore died very fast and there was one little lava patch on the ground that I ran through after the boss was dead and a single tick hit for more than my max health and killed me.

There are probably more since Cata was always the buggiest since timewalking began.

They’re not in greens though. You’re ragebaiting.

I’ll say it if you’re a geared 80 getting out dps by even a twink 11 you’re bad

I did another cata on a 11 warrior this time and got the mount on the 2nd boss. Unfortunately it’s soulbound and requires level 27 so I just gave it to someone else (it’s tradeable to the group temporarily like other dungeon drops).

My level 10 resto druid literally one shots trash mobs with shred or 2-3 shots them with swipe. I kill timewalking bosses in 2-4 globals. I don’t think 80s even in 630 gear can do that.

you dont need to pay to open an account or pay a monthly fee to play a lvl 11 character, you can do it for free on a trial account.

New players aren’t staying level 11 to power through Timewalkers.

whoever that person is thinking an 80 can outdps a geared 11 twink is hilariously delulu


I got a second stonecore mount on another twink I had to give away and then in my Vortex run after that someone else got that mount (which also has level 27 requirement).

I wonder why these mounts have level requirements to click/learn. Seems like an oversight or relic of the past.


The debuff only applies to a group the twink/xp locked queued with.
It wont apply to people that got into the party but werent with the twink.