Lvl 11 Twinks - I Understand Now

You can but twinking on an account without AH access is objectively worse.

You’ll miss out on certain gems, additional sockets, enchants and it adds up to a decent amount.

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most people have a bunch of monitors and fill them with a bunch of stuff WHILE playing the game.

your thought reminds me of someone stuck on a laptop without extra monitor :wink:


I just remembered thinking that I was at a strong level and being wiped out by the roaming Zandalari.

Someone passing by lol-ed. I couldn’t stop laughing at myself.


I’m asking for an additional monitor for my desk. It doesn’t need to be big, just so I can have my WoW sites up while I play.

Now just waiting for my hubby to make it so.

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Wow, that is so interesting.

I don’t particularly enjoy it, but then I didn’t enjoy Remix. So the appeal isn’t aimed at players like me.

I don’t really care though. It’s only annoying when said twink is pulling the entire dungeon and leaving 70% of the mobs behind to beat on the rest of party. Doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s a headache.


The majority of the ones I’ve come in contact with have all taken it pretty seriously. They don’t like losing a mob or missing one n have ran back if someone else was able to take threat from em, which doesn’t often happen. I have seen a couple that just try n speed run it without paying much attention to the mobs or the group. They are pretty trash, immho. When I’m running on my twink, I normally just take an off tank role, unless they tell me to hurry up lol


Good ones do, but lets be honest most people playing aren’t good so they get smoked.

LOL no they do not.
Not even close.

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I just read what you wrote in Mandy Moore’s voice.

Because in Scrubs, she couldn’t laugh and she kept saying…

"That’s so funny. "

I know, random…but hey…at least I’m not complaining. Lol

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A geared twink does over 5 million DPS easily. You can’t beat them as a geared 80.

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Just like not all 80s are the same, neither are twinks… i’ve seen plenty of twinks that are as clueless as a bad 80.

A good twink can beat a great 80… a great 80 can smoke a bad twink. It’s relative.

My twinks are as geared as geared can be… usually doing 95% or more of the entire party DPS in a run… one time some damn lvl 80 was doing HALF my DPS… i was like “how dare he”… I inspected him, he was head-to-toe full Mythic Raid gear and trying to out DPS me… like I said, he got to about 50% of my damage and no more.

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lvl 11 or so chars dont have many skills like lvl 80s do. They need a way to contribute and not be a carry.

We already covered this earlier. Twinks don’t even do 1000 dps, let alone 5 million…
Your information is incorrect.
Look at any Twinks dmg meter. I’ve never gone over 500 dps on any of my twinks.
Your meter is improperly scaling their damage as if they were lvl 80, which they’re not.

Get rid of the action RPG stuff, put that focus into overwatch or whatever. Accept a lower player base, focus on the content that the older people like to play, and dare I say to increase the sub price of necessary. If the game were more enjoyable and not a game lobby for pushing sweaty content, if the story unfolded and was really like an adventure again, I’d easily pay $35 each month for that. I’m older now, I’ve got some money, and I’d rather pay for my ticket to take part in an interactive adventure instead of like, fast food one night or buying WoW Tokens so I can buy the consumables so that maybe I can struggle through this extremely difficult content.


sounds like you’re just telling on yourself tbqh

Yes. This.

I would totally pay more to get better gameplay.

You’re just playing word symantics…

The reality is what the damage meter add-ons show is % of raid contribution… ie: if a mob or boss has 100% health, how much of that health does each member in the raid take off in x-amount of time.

This doesn’t matter if someone is lvl 10, 80 or anywhere inbetween.

If you have four 80s and a lvl 10 twink, and the four 80s combined do 10% of the health of the boss or mob, and the lvl 10 twink does 90% of the health, then yes, the twink is doing many times the “contribution to the raid” as anyone else… saying if it’s a damage number or % of the boss’s health is irrelevant… we all know what we’re talking about here.



If they’re level 11 and have their xp locked? They aren’t a new player.


This is the part of the thread where I ask you to queue up with me for a TW run so we can test your theory and you run away.

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