Lvl 11 Twinks - I Understand Now

or, since scaling is a thing and they only have like 3 abilities to use… so mad about not topping the meter that you went all the way into the rabbit hole i see.

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Reminds me of this.
MoP Remix panda

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dont blame item level bloat for your obsession and lack of self control mate.

So, wait…I’m a bad person for looking at my output and finding it weird that a level ten is doing more damage than me?

I just think it’s weird. Twinks have always been a thing.

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Oh, well, then we’re all good. Just pretend the twink is in 639 bis and just pay attention to if your numbers are steady. Or think of the twink as a 70 with max DF ilvl and he hasn’t bought TWW. Their numbers are just as rediculouse.

scaling… say it with me mate. scale ing . now imagine a level 11 with like 3 abilities vs a class with 30 abilities… obviously you are gonna do more damage. is it perfect no. but come on dude implying its some scheme for blizzard to entice new players when we all know there arnt new players flocking to this game. they arnt gonna waste any more resources on them after the new starting experience.

Yeah, it’s just a mind f when I see it on my end. Because I’m like, “Yeah, I think I did well that run.”

Looks over at meter and sees level 10 on top.

Sigh, shoulder drop

Omg lol. I forgot about all the extra stuff in remix. All I keep missing is the movement speed. Now I wanna play remix again.


Wut? I have like 3 lvl 60 toons in ilvl 200ish gear, dont tell me 430 ilvls in 20 lvls isnt bloat

We did a stat squish for this exact reason but didnt take the foot off the gas

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timewalking isnt reflective of your actual dps anyways they scale your stuff all down. running heroic is more reflective.

LOL item level on non max characters doesn’t even count. its all endgame that item level has anything to do with the game.

Bruh, I understand all that.

I’m not against twinks.

Crikey, I just think it’s weird.

It’s a natural response.


You lack reading comprehension. This entire thread is about the lvling vs endgame experience with regards to ilvl and scaling. Begone obvious troll.

I getchu now.
Imagine the twink. Looks over at his meter at the end and he’s done 90% of the dmg and he’s only done 215 dps for the dungeon lol

I loved playing Remix. I’m looking forward to the next one. I hope it’s soon.


Exactly. I’m just going to keep saying it…




We’re firmly in the Twitch and E-Sports era. We enjoy watching others play a game, rather than play it ourselves.

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I do have fans that applaud my twinks at the end of a well-executed run… also… no ban on my end… pretty sure those getting banned were doing something they shouldn’t.


I say that if someone is getting banned for being a twink…

Pics or never happened.

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I had a monk at 400k threads and got smoked by a DH, dude ran past me like I was standing still, so I started all over, n got my DH to 2 mil threads by the end. 239% movement speed. Going back to 100% in retail, after that, almost got me to tears…
Can’t wait till it comes back!