Loyalist should be allowed

They say it will impact some small dialogues actually.

And you then become hostile to every horde faction and city and we kill you.


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U brought up what democracy is the horde is ran by power meaning everything…

Also … na I’ll avoid that on here but war is nesscery … if the living die who cares we will make them undead pets anyways.

I never understood why someone would come into this universe and want to play a mustache twirling villain. I mean seriously have you people not heard of Warhammer 40k. Every race there is evil and some are just over the top I torment you for eternity evil. The least evil races are still evil, just not as bad in comparison to others. :wink: Just trying to help you get your evil fix in a game that allows it.

That would be so interesting to see

What are you talking about? I never once mentioned anything about a democracy.

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I hate modern games I hate guns and robots that’s y coward weapon game play

Choose a faction that uses swords. One of the most evil factions is almost exclusively swords.

You said a leader doing things 4 themself is treason that only applies in democracy

That’s completely wrong.

U still have to put up with the scifi modern future weapons from other faction plus that game is like 500 dollars total lol

World of Warcraft never allowed the villains to be playable. Horde and Alliance had different ideals and drives, but they weren’t pure evil. Even though everything Forsaken kind of screamed it…

Hopefully we move in the direction of Thrall’s Horde and can finally put the one dimensional villain focus the Horde has had to rest. Sylvanas is easily the worst leader the Horde has ever had, considering under her very brief rule the Horde suffered heavy casualties, even more than the Alliance suffered from, and I sincerely hope I get to farm her for gear that isn’t even worth it. She deserves far worse than Garrosh ever got, and for Azeroth’s sake, I’m so tired of seeing her. She’s been a forefront for far too long.


Yea the cost is a tad prohibitive. :wink:

But imagine turning a human, alive, into a coffee table for eternity so they can suffer.

wow hasn’t cuz it’s a cali hippie company but war1-3 u could which needs to return in wow unless they make warcraft 4-5

I don’t believe that is true. Most of the horde was technically loyalists and we see some NPC forsaken going “tink tink”, but there are still loyalists aligned with her (dark rangers, nathanos, and stuff). Mostly I think Blizzard is just letting that story thread die and not finishing it.


Yo the OP: I have long argued for more playable factions; preferable neutral. The mere thought of being a mercenary is rather…titillating.
As for the rest; I will continue to decry and denounce the current …‘storyline’. If I want trite melodrama, I can always watch old '30s ‘cliffhanger’ serials.
Because that’s how bad it is.
Flips hair

1-2 had virtually no story and was all about Orcs vs. Humans with some side races thrown in. The lore established there has been rebuilt significantly in the last 20 years.

Warcraft III the only villains you played as were the Scourge. Otherwise the whole story was about the vast majority of good guys coming together to stop the bad guys. Frozen Throne ended with Arthas ascending Icecrown, sure, but it was to set up a future story. The rest is quite literally Super Buddy Pals: The Adventute type feel.

Also Alliance vs. Horde is so boring now.

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Um go play them again it has a big story lol listen to the campaign words lol and war 3 is pure story … regardless they let you kinda play evil…

Also the naga illidan alliance was kinda evil for a bit

Treason is defined, as follows…
The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

How that sovereign/government is contructed is irrelevant.
Thank you.
Class dismissed.
Flips hair as he closes his lecture notebook and leaves the podium

That’s… not true? A republic has a leader that can engage in treason as well.

In fact any form of government can technically have it’s leader engage in treason, barring perhaps an absolute monarchy. Even then the people could revolt and argue that the leader acted against the country itself.