Loyalist should be allowed

But not over the reasons sylvan did she is loyal until the horde betrayed her turning to the alliance as love partners

Why is it ALWAYS Blood Elves doing this

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I am not a blood elf I’m a undead elf

‘‘The Horde is NOTHING’’
‘‘You are all NOTHING’’
Then the little Horde waifu deserted us, leaving an ALLIANCE KING and his entourage, including JAINA THE MURDERESS, to enter Orgrinnar unopposed and then to leave, safely.
and you want to bend the knee to her, STILL?
Flips hair AND sips tea!

Blood Elves literally drank the Kool-Aid of the Burning Legion.

You’re surprised they’re addled?

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Their horde is nothing that isnt betraying that is the cold hard truth thrall is nothing surfing is nothing all those pieces of trash pansy are nothing that’s the truth those behind her are everything

Loyal to the most boring, uninteresting, and dragged out character arc?
She is nothing more than a simp fodder at this point, she’s the only thing I’m not looking forward in SL in terms of story.


So says a human the most boring pathetic weak race ever until outside power helps it

And then they became good guys. So that’s where the Forsaken are at now; they’ve had their time in the spot light of being boring and evil, now they can develop outside of mindless “lol Death” they’ve been under Sylvanas since virtually Wrathgate.

And yeah, Warcraft 1 and 2 have story. It has been significantly rewritten. In the Human campaign of Warcraft 1, it literally ends with the player character becoming King of Stormwind after defeating the Horde. And even if Warcraft II confirmed the Orc story as being canon, this Horde is not what the WoW Horde is.

Nuances didn’t exist until Warcraft 3, where characters began developing beyond good side vs. bad side, and the story developed into something far more interesting.

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Have Mommy enroll you in an online home school: your grammar is ATROCIOUS!
Flips hair

Like Nathanos?


Which is debatable when the ruler’s will is considered to be the will of the people it would technically not be possible to commit treason. It would be those who opposed that ruler’s will who commit treason.

Also some countries (like the US and UK) have codified treason with a different definition.

I’d love if they continued the Loyalist thing over time, if only to showcase Horde infighting.

As for Death Knights I think they will follow the person that will give them more things to kill. To sate the “Eternal Hunger”. In this case if Sylvanas turns everyone against her then DKs have more things to fight. Such a shame players are pigeonholed into Alliance/Horde.

If it was up to me I’d love to see the Burning Legion get back into the fray. With or without organized leadership. A rift being torn into the realm of death seems like a good opportunity to invade.

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The forsaken are weak honestly cling to their humanity like pathic old men … they are undead only mentor to bring death they should do it and do it with a smile and enjoyment

I feel like there should be stakes in orgrimmar for siding with someone that literally joined the enemy forces.

Gotcha, you want boring and uninspired zombies with no interesting quality to them.

I’m glad we settled your taste in literature, it explains the Lich Queen Barbie obsession.


Nop I want Kel’thuzards cult of the damned group … it’s not boring killing the living is fun …

…you want boring and uninspired zombies led by a skeleton with a huge crush on the suit of armor that turned him into a Lich, to the point he likely has a shrine dedicated to that sexy armor frozen in ice and the gorgeous, white haired vixen that chose to wear it.

At least KT was always very open about his love of someone who didn’t love him back. And maybe the Scourge can be a bit spicy.


Therein lies the rub. If the people rebel then you no longer have the will of the people.

Arguably if the people rebel and you don’t step down then you’re immediately treasonous from the that moment forward. You’re supposed to be the country, you’re supposed to be the people, but now you’re no longer in accordance with them and acting directly against their desires.

That said, let’s be honest, treason is generally defined after the fact in situations where it’s not very specifically defined. The US is very specific, of course, but the generic “acted against” has, throughout time, been bandied about for all sorts of reasons.

It’s just a concept. We define those concepts. If we, as a people, decided that someone was treasonous by acting against the greater will of the nation? Well… that’s what we’ll have adopted as part of that meaning.

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There only 4 leaders worth following…

They are grom hellscream, arthas,kel’thuzards and Sylvanas… they are not boring. .
Spreading plagues killing and butchering your enemies or area and conquering is way more enjoyable

What everyone has to understand is that Sylvanas is loyal only to herself. It’s always been that way. Not going to change.