Loyalist should be allowed

So do I, but there’s no hope that they’ll kill Sylvanas or Nathanos off now.

If by redeemed you mean cleansed and sent to where ever the dead go then I am all for it. We need the real leaders of the horde to take over, the BEs

Redeemed in double super death

Seems to be a mistake. “It’s” not great.

“Yes she is.”

No she isn’t.

“YES she is.”


“[insert supremacist xenophobic joke about how everyone is worthless and Sylvanas is hot… i mean is actually a superior character. She IS both of those things. She TOTALLY isn’t a fascist genocidal dictator with narcissistic problems… nope.]”


I’d be all for the loyalists never being allowed into any Horde city ever again. They should be killed on sight for their treason.

Being a loyalist to Sylvanas should be similar to being a loyalist to Nzoth. Attack on sight by both factions.

Hate to tell u this those who aren’t loyal 2 are are the traitors

Nothing you posted in that other thread supports the statement you made earlier.

I’m still holding out for a faction re-shuffle.

Horde and Alliance team up. Players can group together.
Peace Reigns.

Sylvanas Loyalists and Horde warmongers think that’s a horrible idea, split to form their own faction.
Tyrande and Genn Loyalists think that’s a horrible idea, split to form their own faction.
The war rages on.

… nothing. They should be allowed nothing.

You willing followed a blatantly evil person under the guise of questionably “grey” banners. We’ve now seen that she’s definitely, 100%, evil. She literally wants to kill everyone.

So if you followed her you deserve nothing.

Do people really care about the lore this much now? The writers don’t even seem to know what’s going on at this point.

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Wrong. They don’t have the Horde’s best interests in mind. When a leader does things purely for personal gain at the expense of their country it’s treason.


Good and evil doesn’t matter war helps everything and brings evolution she isnt evil … and who cares if she is … kneel or die to the banshee queen

Good lord, how much more blatant did she have to be? She doesn’t like you! Move on! This is like a person who gets dumped but keeps sending christmas cards to their ex every year.


Nop not in horde politics the horde isnt a weak democracy like the United states

Fortunately this doesn’t have to involve good and evil.

She wants to kill everything. Everything doesn’t want to die. She’s on the opposite side of the living. You deserve nothing for following her except the death she wants to bring.

(Please note this is “RP lite” and I don’t harbor any hatred towards players no matter what story they like)

I’m guessing you don’t have any hair by choice.

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She can hate me idc I want to follow 4 wars sake and killing civilians and killing all those with weakness it’s not about her it’s about her personality and methods

Ps I’d follow fel orc grom of lich king Arthas as well of even archimond

That’s really lame.

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Or WW2 Germany from the sound of it, since you keep very strangely bringing up your hatred for the United States on a forum for a video game.

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