Loyalist should be allowed

Sounds great to me, then I can kill both Alliance AND the pathetic, bootlicking hordies!

Imagine simping for Sylvanas and calling literally anyone else a pathetic bootlicker.

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You do know people are loyal 2 her for reasons that are alot deeper than looks right.

War, hating the living kill weaklings who want peace or even a simple loyalty to the only leader with a brain that isnā€™t going 2 go weak pansy team up with alliance mode right

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Imagine licking Varianā€™s boots and calling someone else a bootlicker. Also imagine using the word ā€˜simpā€™ unironically.

Varianā€™s dead. Hopefully Sylvanas will soon follow.

I started using it ironically and now I cant stop, its a curse. Learn from my example.

Ya You know thrall the one alot of u anti sylvanas love and kiss up 2 his basically what u call a simp 4 every human female his basically jainaā€™s toy

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Thrall ruined the Horde by putting Garrosh in charge against the advice of every single one of his advisors, then when called out for his hand in making Garrosh the monster he was, he denied all responsibility and claimed it was totally Garroshā€™s fault.

Also he cheated at the makā€™gora.

Where he belongs. Hopefully his dumb son follows soon.

Why though? Horde are boring now, Alliance have always been boring. Give us a 3rd faction ruled by Sylv, I live for the chaos and the constant search for more and more power. I donā€™t care about running around fields throwing flowers with Baine and his boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio, and I sure as hell donā€™t care about this brooding disdain the Night Elves have for literally everyone.

Also Yrel is a genocidal maniac and hardly anyone ever brings that up, meanwhile ā€˜The Orcsā€™ wonā€™t stop crying about how Green Jesus was the ā€˜best we ever hadā€™, hiring paparazzi to spy on him and take pics of his dad bod while heā€™s just trying to chill and have a family.

This peace treaty between factions is dumb and I defect.

People should bring this up more because imo its very interesting. I think a war between Light and Shadow, where the players could pick a side, would be far more interesting than the faction war, which stopped being interesting like a decade ago.

I think overall the factions are boring and outdated, and the continuance of the faction war is really dumb.

To be honest weā€™ll probably never see Yrel again. Sylvanas is being set up to be Kerrigan/Meā€™dan 2.0.

You know, this may still remain a thing. I feel Blizzard were experimenting with another system (oh god) in BFA when it came to being factionless and a servant of Nā€™zoth. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they added another such feat for Maw Loyalists, aka Sylvanas Loyalists somewhere in Shadowlands.

Then again you are marked as an enemy to both factions soā€¦ eep.

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If they are going to continue toying around with this with the possibility of making it permanent, then they should give DKā€™s the option to break off from their faction & join the Ebon Blade.

I agree, something similar to SWTOR with picking either the Rebels or Sith. Both sides are really interesting and have great storytelling which I think it something WoW has been lacking. I was honestly excited about the prospect of something like that happening with Sylvanas, and becoming part of a darker group of champions that seek power and to control Gods, Demons, etc.

But instead we got a weak Blizz who were too scared to go there and just wanted to make everyone happy happy friend time. Well what if people donā€™t want to be happy friend time? What if people want to be out for themselves, to seek gold, power, control etc like the Sith? And to also have reasoning and backstory behind why theyā€™re doing so.

That to me would be fun and probably attract more people in the long run. People like having choice and free will especially in RPGs. Thatā€™s why games like Mass Effect are so succesful, you can rule with kindness and care or be ruthless and rule with fear and command those around you.

Shoehorning everyone in WoW into being goody two shoes who only care about protecting the planet is boring and honestly not why I even started playing the game when it first came out.

Theyā€™ve recently added the beginnings of a defection to the other side questline in TOR, which I was originally super excited about, but its so half assed and disappointing.

Iā€™m okay with being a target or enemies 2 both factions Iā€™ve always consider myself their enemie anyways

Your honor level is 1, you love peace more than Baine.


Or I dont like how pvp works in mmos lol now if it worked like dark souls Iā€™d be soloing everyoneā€¦

You know games were you have to have a brain and knowledge of weapons instead of healers and silence game play for pvp

They probably realized that there was no way they could continue with the loyalist line without creating a break off Horde faction. After all the Horde wouldnā€™t allow you to remain loyal to her after what she did and what she will be doing in the future. You would actively be working against them, so they would just kill you off.

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I hope you are wrong but deep down I know you probably arenā€™t.


The thing is they can but they wont even try because itā€™s a United states company aka weak culture pansy country anymore