Loyalist should be allowed

As long as 1 person crys out she is the legit warcheif she is

The horde Isnt a weak democracy like the weak USa

Loyalists should be allowed

No they shouldnt. Remove them from the Horde and delete their characters.


Any undead who aren’t loyal to her should be banned your betraying it godess that made you

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It’s just very obvious that it will happen, especially with how they tried to paint her and the Horde as heroes until there was an outrage on Alpha - but it shows the direction.

Last I checked it was Arthas who made me. Didnt see you guys crying that I ‘betrayed’ him.

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I mean of course they will be traitors, this whole rabbit whole is about the legality of her rule as warchief and continued right to be so.

That’s not how it works, cause the rest of the Horde can just tell that person to shut up.

Or kill them.

If the horde doesn’t want her back, she’s not going to be the Warchief.

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It wasn’t Arthas valky that revived u in trisfalls now was it … it was Sylvanas pet. Now we dks can cry 4 arthas but.

Did you know the Forsaken existed in vanilla and Sylvanas didnt get the val’kyr until Cataclysm?

I’ll let you connect the dots, if you can manage it.

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If your character been around since then yes you should have to remain loyal 2 arthas or Kel thuzard

And illegitimacy is grounds for removing her from her position.

But he didn’t, because he was coerced by a spirit pretending to be another. It’s deception, thus making Sylvanas an illegitimate Warchief from the get go, legally speaking.

I think you are just monumentally wrong.

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I’ve stuck by the Horde through a lot. If they let that trash back in, I’m finally out.

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Okay yeah, fine you’re right. No other option is even remotely viable because of your hate erection for a fictional character. Got it. You win. Sylvanas will be redeemed and give everyone candy and free puppies and unite the factions forever and become a good and benevolent ruler. She will forever be known as Sylvanas the great and will one shot every threat to the world from now own while we all pick flowers and speculate on Anduin’s love life.

All because of some Alpha text (that’s already been changed) and some other “obvious” things. Perfect. You swayed me fully.

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I guess if it comes down 2 it we who are loyal to her might have to harm the non loyal players in ways like via scamming and it would be the dev’s fault 4 not counting the loyalist story

She 5000% is. Her allies manipulated and lied to Vol’jin to get her in the position.

Why? Loyalty can both be given and earned, Like I was loyal to Garrosh, at first because he was Thrall’s pick so I gave him the same loyalty I gave Thrall. However, he earned more after Stontalon but lost it when he went on his orc supremacist kick.

I respected Sylvanas as leader of the forsaken, but as warchief? she earned it in Legion with her leadership, but lost it in the War of the Thorns when Teldrassil burned.


When, exactly? What did she do in the war other than her own vanity mission to try and enslave more val’kyr?

Expect they both did what they are suppose 2 they are WAR CHIEFS not PEACE chiefs which is y Grom should have been warchief not thrall btw

After Vol’jin named her warchief, how she knew we needed to stop the legion, etc.

Note I said Garrosh lost it when he went on his orc supremacist kick. In other words, he started treating non-orcs like trash, the leader of a faction like the Horde should NOT do that.

Sylvanas? if the original plan of capturing had come to pass or if the burning happened because of alliance or another party, she would have kept my respect and loyalty.

There are lines some people should not cross in the eyes of others, they crossed those lines and lost the loyalty of some.


If believe in lines got some bad news 4 you … you belong in the peace and justice equality faction not one that is based on power and war skills.

The horde isnt a place for equality or peace it’s one were power means everything

She ‘earned’ your loyalty by being named to the position? We must have a different definition of earned.

She did nothing as Warchief in the entire war against the Legion other than trying to enslave val’kyr. She was absent for like 95% of the expansion.