Loyalist should be allowed

No she really does not. She cares about her own survival.


Yep that’s right cuz this current horde isn’t the horde grom would have killed thrall for turning it into a weak pansy group

Then the first RTS game is more appropriate for you. But oh wait, you likely wouldn’t like those factions either. That Horde would never allow Elves, and you think Alliance is too weak, so… yeah.

Idc about elf’s in fact I hate elf’s but dk elf’s are closer to dark rangers lol

They wouldn’t allow Dark Rangers either. Only Orcs.

That she cares for some people and some things doesn’t mean she cares for the Horde as a whole.

Not caring about the Horde is not the same that not caring about anything. Not because she cares about some people does it mean she cares about the Horde. It’s unrelated.

Specially when she literally throws the Horde under the bus in her quest to feed the Jailer. She used them -and the alliance- as kindling. Even if her motives serve a purpose, it doesn’t mean she cared for the Horde.

Like, again, she literally says “the Horde is nothing” what more do you need than her own words?

Mind you, again, I do believe she is not a clackling evil, but her concerns definitely go beyond the petty disputes of the Horde and Alliance.

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So you don’t know what confirmed actually means, do you?

Do “scam” and “forced” give you trouble as well? Seems like they would.

That was before they existence and then you had orc dks ogres and forest trolls not just orcs… now warcraft 3 I’m pure scourge

Are you drinking tonight or something? I can’t decifer this, lol

The ones she considers traitors were a part of Thrall’s Horde. Which IS the Horde. Sylvanas is not and shouldn’t be ever again. They need to drop her in the Maw and leave her there.

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And your not good at taking a hint so I’ll make it simple horde and alliance idc as long as it’s pure war killing one another enslave torturing for info… My loyalty is to war bringers not little flower picking pansy that cry boohoo burning legion bad so let’s make out and fight together. It should be pure battle field no peace what so ever.

I don’t think any hints.

That’s very random of you.

Plus you shouldn’t ever write a war story with them teaming up it’s really really bad writing for the theme of the story…

It should be fighting for any reason or just for the sake kill all night elf’s because they are night elf’s or death to the living just because they are living.

But you are living.

Wrong not living at all lol

Well since she calls it nothing, not anymore! Like I don’t remember when she ever said that, but it’s clear it wasn’t genuine, right?

Again, even if she cares for the loyalists, who are now -a fraction- of the Horde, it doesn’t mean she cares for THE HORDE, which it’s the whole. If she gets to decide what’s the Horde, she doesn’t care for the whole, only what supports her.


You are a live human posting on a forum.

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Are you watching through my webcam cuz I’m not I haven’t been living for well over 15 years lol

The RP forums are in another section.