Loyalist should be allowed

Yeah…not cool.

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Extreme narcissusic delusion?

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Yet she has the tools to destroy horde and alliance in 24 hours…

And it does I mean really… your better off doing things alone with your own abilitys your stuff will always be better

Or they barely acknowledge it happened at all. Glances at WoD

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I don’t know why this is hard for you, The devs would have no reason to say that nobody follows Sylvanas anymore lorewise if they didn’t need to have a confrontation with Sylvanas. Since we probably will indeed have a confrontation with Sylvanas that means it would be a very weird situation if you were still a loyalist. So the best thing to do would be to just make the PC not canonically a Sylvanas follower.

Nope, no gotcha moments. Just making sure you know the canon lore.

Again this happened before Blizzard released the quote about Sylvanas loyalists not liking Sylvanas canonically. They put it in to show that there are indeed those still with Sylvanas such as Nathanos and the Dark rangers.

It doesn’t, you can like the character all you like. But canon is canon.

Because, as I said above, she gained power with no foreshadowing because the plot demanded it. Her power is unbelievable and most of what she’s done has only been the direct result of the writers pushing her to that point, because other characters have to be written brain dead for her plans to work.

You mentioned Lex being able to beat Superman but the writers prevented it? The writers have to make characters dumb for Sylvanas to win. Same exact issue.

And, again, your mindset is incredibly depressing and lonely. But you’re entitled to that lonely opinion.

This made me giggle.

I don’t drink tea, but I can raise my water glass to toast.


Nonsense; both these were consumed with unreasoning hatred of their respective PERCEIVED foils.
Give a self-indulgent psycho a weapon and they’ll use it.
Flips hair

Expect she’s not she was a ranger general guard before death worked with the 2 greatest undead lords… fought a burning legion group … with less units/ ppl…

She has earned it all and her story shows how she got it…

Plus orcs are always stupid but strong so of course a smart ex high elf would win …

Props to you for going at this for so long. :rofl:
You made your points and they were all valid.

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God I hate when I have to use this… but hate is power they lose because they lack enough hate

She lost. both times.
Especially when she tried to take on Arthas, all by herself; she got clobbered, and with no effort on his part.
Only when she befan to rally others around her did she begin to achieve anything like revenge.
Flips hair and sips tea; all the while wondering what DO they teach in school these days?

Because you are dealing with a known gas-lighter.

And since then she sought out more power and learned more… so she again earned more

Yeah, it’s out of line and needs to stop.
Whenever this topic comes up it and the ‘agenda’ thing inevitably creeps up.
Also…I get it that there are people that don’t like Sylvanas for many different reasons and there’s going to be debates which is great. What does happen sometimes are the people who aren’t satisfied unless everyone hates Sylvanas the same way they do.


…and gathered many arrows to her quiver.
A general without an army is just a someone in a funny outfit. Leaders NEED followers or they accomplish nothing.
The myth of the ‘lone wolf’ is just that; you are always stronger in a group.
Flips hair

And the Alliance marched on Lordaeron not expecting plague. And when they got there…


And then the Horde and Alliance have to not communicate what happened at the Broken Shore and why the Horde retreated. And no one even tried, it was just back to war.

And then during this expansion, for the sacking of Zuldazar to happen, the Horde had to move their entire army to Nazmir and leave it undefended. Without that, that raid wouldn’t have happened and the Alliance wouldn’t be pursing the remaining fleet with Nathanos.

Every step these last two expansions have happened because the characters have to be dumb for Sylvanas’ plans to work. It’s painful to watch.

Also, she might have been a Ranger General, but Tyrande has been a Priestess and a warrior for longer than 10,000 years (Sylvanas is not that old) and she got beaten by Sylvanas’ pet. How the ever loving hell does age matter to Sylvanas if Tyrande loses to a human dog with a bone for the Lich Queen?

Hint it doesn’t.

Also Orcs don’t look so stupid now that Saurfang ruined her mascara. That seemed to upset her vapid air headedness.

I can’t shy away from debate! It’s a problem, I should be working, but the temptation for debate is an actual obsession of mine, haha.


Do you know when it doesn’t apply those who learn to control death or beast or even weather itself do not need others when you can use everything as a tool

I mean if someone in rl learned how to control weather they wouldn’t need a army at all

No one is trying to say you can’t like the character. Just that your player cannot side with her.

Like if you were playing mass effect and decide you like the reapers and would prefer to take Saren’s place. Doesn’t matter because Shepard that you are controlling doesn’t agree.

This isn’t open world and you don’t get personal motivations. Your targets are clearly defined by lore. No one is trying to victimize you by explaining this.

I dislike what she’s been turned into, for the sake of whatever tale blizzard is trying to tell.
It’s too confusing, too trite, and I really think Blizzard is counting WAY too much on the fanbase that HAS grown up around her.
We need a leader, not a waifu.
Flips hair

So much for Blizzard’s promise of more ‘player agency’.