Loyalist should be allowed

Oh I do… also it doesn’t change anything it’s the same response lol. And you would die meaningless greater power need ppl who would walk through hell to fight against…

And I do want evil still just saying mass ending or destruction is sometimes a needed action 2 fight against bigger players

If this was tabletop what would happen is you lose control of your character as they are now an NPC villain to the party

You can replicate this by not playing your character and RP that they are a random mook for wow players to fight.

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Depending on dm I’ve had some let me keep going as long as I didn’t God mode lol and still had a part in the story lol

The tree was full of fel corruption anyway. Probably better it got burned down.

It does change the foundation of the question. We’ve overcome plenty without having to sacrifice people. Because in this world, power comes from working together. That has literally been the theme since Warcraft III, and continued to be the theme of every expansion thus far. That isn’t going to suddenly change.

Honestly, there’s no point in continuing with you at this rate. You think you caught me in a “Gotcha!” moment, but you’re just showing how litttle thought you’ve given to the story and established lore of the game. You should leave it at “I want to be evil and have no story” and been done with it, because that makes a lot more sense than “I want to be evil but also save the world but also kill the world.”


Nah, I’m just aware of what is logically happening, you don’t need a dev to infer that they are going to make us go against Sylvanas which means having you be a loyalist is not a choice.

You saw the trailer, I saw the trailer. We all know that’s not what is happening from what you can grasp from the trailer is Bolvar is informing of us of all that has happened which means we are going into the shadowlands with the sole purpose to take down Sylvanas. It doesn’t take much to logically see that with that set-up Blizzard can’t have you be loyalists coming into shadowlands.

It doesn’t, lore is lore and canon is canon. Yes there are still Sylvanas loyalists but the player character will not be one of them because we will be fighting Sylvanas and the Jailer until the big reveal that they aren’t evil or something else entirely happens. In that set-up you just cannot be a loyalist.

‘‘Power is for those who are willing to stoop to get it.’’
–Ragnar, to his son Bjorn; Vikings.

After the Battle of the Last Alliance, Isildur seized the One Ring…for all the good it did him. He was not weak: born on Numenor, and of it, he was one who was already destined for greatness.
But he seized what he should not, and it took him.
Power is a cheat and a lie; it will always use you to its own end.
Flips hair

Says who the majority? one person can outpower even billions of ppl … working as a team doesn’t make you strong or better if anything it makes you pathic and weak when you can’t fight alone you should stay in the corner.

You sacrifice your own skills and ideas or creativity for the group which makes it weaker and inferior

The Dark Rangers were respected by Sylvanas though, they were her elite cadre of soldiers. Meanwhile she doesn’t treat regular Horde players the same way and repetitively called them expendable tools, arrows in the quiver. Battle of Lordaeron is where you will see how she treated the corpses of dead Horde soldiers.

Tell that to the Hobbits and their friends.

Also written by a guy who couldn’t fight alone so goes 2 my point

This is…such a lonely mindset, my goodness. Now I just sort of feel sorry for you and what you desire out of the World (of Warcraft).

Well, that shines a lot of light on the type of person you are. We’re fundamentally at odds if you see friendship and family as a liability towards power. At least you have the villain mindset down; you just need to be defeated by the thing you hate.

This is such a cartoon villain backstory, too, it’s hilarious.


Not rlly 1 person can outmatched alot of ppl easily because they dont lower themself to be a team player thus they can fully use everything

Irrelevant to the theme: start over and make your points CONCISE.
and do NOT even TRY to make claims if ‘knowing’ anything about the late Professor!
Flips hair and sips tea

Okay then let’s see Lex luthor… the joker or parasite or zod

M8 you are delusional, loyalists are nothing but expendable fodder for her.

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Both roflstomped, and frequently.
Next logical fallacy, please.
Continues to sip tea


Lower themselves? Or finding a team that makes up for their weaknesses, which everyone has. And if you don’t have any, you’re considered a Mary Sue and immediately become a joke character.

Hang on, what is Sylvanas’ weakness…


Well lucky for us we’re not actually the characters we play in game!

Please lex Luthor could have ended superman from the very start writter bias prevented it

And the joker doesn’t want to win other wise he would have