Loyalist should be allowed

ah…A not so subtle way to say what we all know you’re thinking.
There was no agenda.

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Cough true RPGs add it also ya it is like that if you think its not…

Here is a theory question for you I tell you there is a method to cure cancer…

In this theory you can save 12million people but you must sacrifice 2million do you do it for the greater good.

So the trolly question.

Also Sylvanas would kill all 14 million so I don’t see the correlation.

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You could try but either way it would be worth it.

It’s a theory question it’s a yes or no I’ll explain the rest if I can tell u can look at the bigger picture not just the price.

You have great potential, dear; you simply need to follow your own advice sometimes. Especially regards this ‘big picture’: if you truly can see the whole scheme, then the boundaries become known. Lines in the dust over which the good will honor and the evil will trample.
Sylvanas thought to trample the Alliance by burning Teldrassil; thinking it would ‘crush them’. I’ve read many of those relevant threads and posts; far from being crushed into submission, the alliance, and especially the Night Elves, are FURIOUS!

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.’’
Admiral I. Yamamoto, upon hearing the results of the Pearl Harbor attack.

1st off if sylvanas wanted to crush them she wouldnt have used fire now would she she would use blight bombs same goes 4 thralls traitor army

To each their own but I would never lose my self-dignity and self-respect to enslave myself to a banshee that views me as nothing more than just a tool. Who even upon death will resurrect my dead body to fight for her. Apparently some Horde love that and they enjoyed watching their corpses be rezzed by her at Lordaeron. Even as an enemy I felt disgusted seeing the corpses of my enemy be rezzed by the banshee as if they were of no value but mere expendable resources.

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Nah, they did it so shadowlands can happen. You canonically hate Sylvanas.

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It’s the trolly question phrased differently. “Would you turn the track to save five but kill one” “Would you kill one healthy patient to save five.”

It’s also a ridiculous question to ask for one individual to make that decision without a council and a discussion. Morally speaking, killing 2 million to save 12 million sounds like a good deal. But you can twist it and say “What if 2 million people you know have to die for 12 million strangers?”

I hate philosophical questions like this because they’re non-sensical and prove nothing. No one individual has this power to decide. Even on the trolley question, why would a bystander be there to have the choice to decide the fate of the trolley?

Also to answer: no, I would not sacrifice people if I had to knowingly harm them to save more.



Always a pleasure. And I doubt it. Blizzard’s wonky about that kind of thing anyway. Worst case scenario, I just eat everyone around you.

Your a warrior a front soldier for a army but can’t accept being a tool hate to break it to you but you already are for your boy king

Then you would smile as a bigger threats owns all you care for example Old God or archimond.

If I was in sylvanas great boots I’d walk through hell itself and feed Lucifer billions of souls to destroy the greater threats

I’d be totally okay with sylvie starting her own faction so all the “loyalists” can get out of my horde already. This is an orc/troll racket, always has been. You elves and dead folks are just guests in our house, and you never deserved the level of control you obtained. Nor will you likely again, sorry, wish there was somewhere else for you to go.

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This means nothing they chose to go a story route. Since we are the “heroes” you don’t like Sylvanas anymore. They did it for Shadowlands whether you like it or not. A quote that they made before they saw people wanted their loyalty to carry over to shadowlands doesn’t matter. You hate Sylvanas just like everyone else canonically.

Fire burns quickly; poison takes a while. Remember how huge the tree was.
Also, carrying THAT much blight would have alerted Garrosh: he HATED that stuff.

The method is simetimes less important than the REASON. and the only ‘reason’ that blasted waifu had was because a dying nelf back-talked her.
Leaders MUST show more restraint; personal feelings has no place in leadership.
Flips hair

Yea but atleast I’ll get a burial after death and be remembered for my role meanwhile you will get raised over and over again to fight until your corpse turns from flesh to skeleton to dust by Sylvanas.

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No, I would be fighting against that threat, too. You don’t get to change the content of the question after my answer, that’s not how philosophy works.

And the idea of Sylvanas fighting the Old Gods is laughable since she farted off when one of the biggest threats to Azeroth was happening.

Also also, so…you don’t want to be evil? If Sylvanas is a hidden hero, you don’t want to be evil at all?

You are easily the most confusing Sylvanas supporter, trying to justify your obsession.


And I get to live forever that way way better than being worm food

Yeah you’re living forever alright, as canon fodder for the Banshee lol