Loyalist should be allowed

Regardless the fact is evil has it’s ways to conquer any and everything might need more effort but evil always finds a way to win

She only won against Bolvar because of certain so and so agenda. Strong Female character defeats everyone. Truth be said, no way I can see her beat Bolvar, it was a joke but the writer clearly has an agenda for pushing Sylvanas into God-like status.


What difference does it make to you?

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Like I said she feeds me conflict like a good mommy so im.okay with being a tool as long as she gives me targets to play with

Arthas is literally the more evil there. So if evil finds a way to win, Arthas would win???

You’re beginning to make no sense here.

Yeah, I really didn’t like that cinematic? And I think a lot of it is because Sylvanas’ power gain has been largely off screen (which is never a good way to handle this) and reminds me of an anime character that unlocked powers with no effort because the plot demands it.

It’s part of why I really dislike her character.

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If I may…?
Heroes fight the villain because that’s what heroes do: Good v. Evil and all that.
Villains will also fight that same villain because there’s a potential rival.
‘‘The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend; doesn’t mean he can’t be an occasional ally.’’
Flips hair

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you do know Arthas wasnt as evil as ppl make him out to be right… he had his weakness and evil is more powerful than the factions because no morals and ethics makes you better

It’s one of the things that have kept me hooked because it raised more questions to be answered. So I’m stuck with waiting and hoping the book and/or next expansion will be explaining this. :crying_cat_face:

Evil fights other evil because 3 reasons.

They are a threat to your goals.

They got something you want…

Or they need to be broken to submit to your will

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What are you smoking LMAOOOO. Nothing you said this whole post made any sense. Evil never wins, good always comes up on top.
Got a good laugh out of this post today.

Evil wins everyday lol and only in fantasy does good win because writers and dev’s are wanna be superman

That’s a lot more reasonable than the above statement that Irma tried. And I’ll give you that one.

Problem is, many fights are designed for the heroic cinematic afterwards. Blizzard would either have to short change the “evil faction”, and give them no cinematics, or put in twice the work so people can get their murder jollies off.

I’m betting twice the work doesn’t sound appealing.

I…what? What??? I think this is what finally broke me. He led a campaign to kill all humans in the Eastern Kingdoms, and planned to kill the whole world to raise as his army.


See, it’s the opposite for me. Had they foreshadowed it, I wouldn’t be as annoyed. But this is very similar to an anime protagonist needing power to win, so they just get the power. There’s no training, there’s no foreshadowing, there’s just “Hi, I have Death magic now and am stronger than everyone, Baaaaaaai~”

Part of it is the nature of WoW’s story being told at a snail’s pace over the course of two years per expansion. They really ought to help the story more.

Killing all humans isnt evil it often can be used as a true good look at poison ivy she is basically a hero

how is mass genocide not evil? like wtfffffff

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I just love story and WoW story is just always lacking, I’m always disappointed but dam it if I don’t love the game and cling to whatever crumbs they send our way.
I’m not familiar with anime at all…so really can’t relate. But in the past they have given us parts of the story only to be answered later, so I guess I’m hoping for answers.

When its for a purpose of saving everything or reviving nature for example… you must look at the bigger picture

Actually, morals and ethics DO determine those qualities; in their application.
'‘By their works shall ye know them’.
Prince Arthas Menethil had the best of intentions: so firm was he, in those beliefs, that he just couldn’t see the road down which he was led.
Example; the culling of Stratholme. And, even then, he could have pulled back…until Northrend.
Falls into his memories of that olden time; when the Frozen Throne first arose and the sad sweet notes of ‘Invincible’ were first heard.

His human campaign yes. But after he claimed his sword nop it took all of that away

Just no, I can see that story isn’t what you want, you just want to kill. Again, RPG may not be for you.

I knooooow, you’re preaching to the choir, man. I genuinely still care about WoW, that’s why I’m on these forums constantly talking about it. And I want to care about and enjoy the story, but it gets so hard when the writers aren’t GOOD. I genuinely hold on to everything that Blizzard provides, even if it’s just microscopic crumbs of a stale pastry. It’s not healthy, but I’ve put so many years into this universe I can’t help myself!

You’re legitimately one of the only Sylvanas supporters that doesn’t take it too far and that I can respect. Well, you and uh…gosh, that female Forsaken who makes all the posts? Lilian, but her posts tend to feel more silly/trolly.


Which should then flag you for PvP, and I should have every right to eat you.