Loyalist should be allowed

The door isn’t open. If it wasn’t open for people who didn’t want to follow Garrosh or Sylvanas, it isn’t open for people who want to continue their genocidal obsession.

Blizzard should have made this game four factions at the start; Night Elves and Forsaken do not belong on the Alliance or Horde. Unfortunately, it is what it is now, and the story has suffered from it.

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Expect it is the second you add a choice you opened the door… and with Covent choices its opened even more it’s time they learn what a rpg really is and make all this choices really matter . Just walk through the damn opened door

That would be awesome! As it is I /spit /slap the guards as they pass by.

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You go first.
Flips hair as he sits back in his favorite comfy gaming chair and enjoys his late breakfast pf savory sausages, fruit compote and lightly buttered whole grain toast, together with fresh orange juice and chocolate almond milk.
All organic, of course!

It just felt so pointless.
They really shouldn’t have given us a choice since it didn’t have any real meaning, imo.

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If I was allowed to via what I’ve said since my 1st post I would …

Their problem is they open doors and them slam and deadbolt them shut removing all future awesome storylines for random bs reasons

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I doubt WoW can handle that. It needs an entire overhaul to support the type of RPG choice you’re requesting. As it stands, it’s still mostly a dungeon crawler with some world content and PvP. You spam dungeons and raids and also sometimes see the world and smack a red named player. It works for what it is, you’re asking for WoW to be a different game.


Expect it doesn’t it just needs to modern reasoning to fight x raid bosses or dungeons really not much would have to majorly change

I do like that they’ve tried to do different things to liven things up. But this particular ‘choice’ was empty, imo.

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Also for pvp they just make open world or bg pvp a free for all

Villains aren’t going to fight the same bosses as the heroes, it’d be silly to write the story like that. World content would have to be cut for each “side” because they’ve already stated they aren’t removing Horde and Alliance, so they’d have to develop for three factions. And with one being pure evil, the aesthetics of next expansion wouldn’t work or would have to be drastically cut down.

The issue is, the black and white nature of playing the villains doesn’t work in a world they try to paint grey.


Wanna bet I can give a reason y evil would for any just name 1

Like that humongous Titan sword rammed into the planet : are we supposed to just forget all about it?
And Teldrassil; Nelfs go positively RABID on that subject!
Flips hair

What? I mean…sure, alright? Uh…prove it?

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Like I said name 1 if I picked that we wouldnt be fair now would it but okay…

Lich king evil kills to try to steal frostmorn

Lannisterian! Havent seen you in forever! But I havent been here since forever… Even lost my trust tier 3 :sob:

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I…really would like to continue discussing with you but you’re starting to make zero sense.

Also they’d have to redesign the fight because the only way we won against Arthas was because Tirion was there. Evil side would just forever wipe because they wouldn’t have Ashbringer, meaning the whole fight and end phase would have to be redesigned, they’d have to make a separate cinematic, etc etc.

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There are other ways to fight and deal with him aka sylvanas owning him solo…

Why do you even want to be a loyalist to someone that views you as expendable trash, like a tool? Sylvanas said it herself, you are a tool, nothing more…lol. Have some self-respect and realize she doesn’t give a crap about you loyalists.

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Sylvanas might have won against “Skipping Leg Day” Bolvar, but there is no universe she holds a candle to Arthas.