Loyalist should be allowed

That’s a long way to say treason is what the victor says it is. Sylv lost, as she forfeited, the rest of the Horde now gets to define her as treasonous.

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Thing is it doesn’t matter as long as she gives me war and allow me to kill torture force turn ppl into undead slaves I’d follow her

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‘‘Morally Grey’’

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That’s what a psychopath would say


-Grom has actual character development where he realized that

isn’t all that life has to offer. And he realized his mistake and died after freeing the Orcs from Mannoroth for good (I’m not at all acknowledging Grom’s existence in WoD. That thing is a disservice to his character).

-Arthas is a tragic story about obsession that had him killing those he swore to protect. As a villain, he was probably the best written Blizzard has provided. Of course, he also ended up asking if it was over. He lasted for two games and one expansion.

-Kel’thuzad…as much as I joke, he’s actually pretty cool. Always did love his personality.

-Sylvanas, though. Oh my gosh, what a good character gone so bad. She has been in one full game, and now will have been in six expansions as more of a forefront than most characters. Six. I’m so tired of her poorly written character, I could just scream. She was interesting when she was tragic, but now she’s just a very typical zombie character afraid of the final death. Her plot armor easily beats out that of the entire Alliance. She’s literally died more than any other character, but has been deus ex machina’d back to life too many times.

She needs to die.

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And? It’s a game nothing wrong with freeing dark desires in fantasy

To be fair it was more of a “it fits the loose definition we have today” but also a “everything in the world is up to us to define.”

By general standards I think it’s fair to say Sylvanas was committing treason the whole time. There’s an expectation that the Warchief will do everything they can to help the Horde. The definition of “help” is rough but we can assume it means “keep alive, well fed, and mighty.”

Consorting with the Jailor, consorting with Azshara to wantonly kill both factions, and generally just killing her own people to stay in power, would all be acting against the Horde. I’d call that treason because it’s acting against the Horde’s betterment. Warchief isn’t the Horde, the Warchief commands the Horde, but it does so so that the Horde can be unified not because it’s divine right or that the Warchief can do whatever it pleases just “because.”

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You win, you are a patriot who saved us all from a tyrant.
Flips hair and sips some Irish Breakfast Tea, with just a drop of organic stevia, for to calm and refresh himself

While it’s not all life has to offer. … it is enjoyable non the less…

Also no she doesn’t.

Hell I’d follow the blood trolls or old gods even if I could… I’ll follow whorver will bring more conflict so can enjoy more and more in game blood shedding

I’m agreeing in this fictional world and even in reality. But in both instances if the rebels that think the head honcho is treasonous lose, well guess who gets executed and found treasonous. :wink:

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…and VERY well stated!
Flips hair as he salutes you with a fresh cup of tea!

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Starting to sound like WoW isn’t the game that’ll actually give you what you want. Ever give Doom a go? There are far bloodier and goreier games out there if that rustles your jimmies. I for one like my games to have this little thing called “store ee” that actually gives the characters a level of depth that turns the game into more than a mindless grind.

Granted, Blizzard has done a great job making the story horrible, but that can honestly be attributed to two things right now: pointless faction conflict and Sylvanas. Remove those things and the story might actually be worthwhile.


Which makes the people who are rebelling guilty of committing treason. For instance the US committed treason against the UK Crown when we declared independence (the UK codified treason as disloyalty to the crown). Just because you commit a crime does not mean you are in the wrong (see US civil disobedience for civil rights).

Again shooter modern weapon games all suck… and the things are there and the door is open they should give the option… it would be 2 thing if fable had a online game

Well, yes. Of course. The victor always gets to write the story they want.

I don’t, however, agree that it’s always fabricated. Sometimes the person who lost really was treasonous, at least by a moderate definition, and was rebelled against because of that.

That’s really a matter of “what does treason mean” though. If we look at it as a “the leader is the nation and can’t act against the nation” view then no leader can ever be treasonous unless they’re relabeled as such later. If we look at it as “the leader leads a nation but is also part of that nation” then any leader can be treasonous given the right situation.

I digress, however. This probably isn’t the right place for that debate. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Won’t surprise me if Sylvia’s supposed treasonous actions just serve to unify the Horde and make it stronger then it ever was before. Especially with a War Council instead of just one bum on a throne of bones.


Of course not. I mean even treason might not be wrong depending on the situation.

Morality and law do not overlap as conveniently as most people would like. They’re entirely separate systems (though law theoretically attempts to mimic morality at times) and should be viewed as such, and treated as such.

I suspect, however, that anyone convicted of a crime is seen as morally repugnant, regardless of whether what they did was, in fact, morally problematic. Similarly, in the case of treason, someone doing something morally wrong is often viewed as criminal if the term can be applied without too much effort.

Sylvanas is just doing what needs to be done in order to destroy the old gods for good. The Void doesn’t have any power over the undead. If everyone is undead and Azeroth and Shadowlands are united then the old gods are done for. This is why Sylvanas will be named a hero once Shadowlands is done.

I agree it pains me to see our loyal followers in chains. It made me hate Orgrimmar even more then before.

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…and there will be an exodus from this game to make the WoD disaster seems trifling.
Flips hair