I don’t think I’ve pressed maul in a group setting since 2008.
Okay. So you want me to be rage capped all the time.
Most if not all specs nowadays have a core rotation that’s fairly simple, specially non-DPS specs.
You have something to press on cooldown, something to also press on cooldown, but that needs to be properly weaven with the first one, a couple of things to maintain up, and a filler that must be used whenever nothing of the previous is available, but not spam too much or you’ll lose the opportunity to use some of the former.
It’s not exactly the same in all clases (for example, the “use on cooldown” sometimes is implemented by “use every time you have X amount of Y resource”), and there’s always some builder-spender mechanic going on, but that’s pretty much what playing a spec in wow is about.
Now, just mastering your core rotation would hardly make you a successful master of your spec. The rotations are intended to be easy and muscle-memory-based so you can focus on using your other tools at the right time, be it cooldowns, defensives, interrupts, utilities, etc.
In the end, the absolute best suggestion is to just try the specs that you think suit you and see how they feel doing some actual content.
If you’re running content appropriate for your item level, pressing ironfur is always the better option. Always.
Any of them can be the lowest APM if you want them to be. Realistically, they are all similar in APM. I’d say somewhere in the 40-60APM range, with an average around 50. You could easily get on warcraftlogs, look at some tanks and check under the casts tab.
Really? Not taking any damage and don’t have ironfur yet doesn’t count as a legitimate reason? So… rage cap all the time?
Why would I use ironfur when I’m taking no damage anyway?
What? No. If you’re leveling, it doesn’t matter, you don’t even need to be in bear form, just W-key to the end of the dungeon slamming moonfire.
All the advice I’m giving is under the assumption that you’re doing content that matters. If you’re not gonna die by wasting rage on maul, then you’re not doing appropriate content for your character power level.
Which is fine, but at that point, you wouldn’t need help on a rotation, because it wouldn’t matter. If you’re in content where it matters what buttons you press, you do not press maul.
Loads of people don’t understand apm, but maybe the question wasn’t really about apm and was actually about skill count. Either way, apm is actions per minute and paladin has the highest, even if it only has 4 main rotation skills and 2 defensives.
The thing is to stay alive you want to keep on DPSing to leech that health. So it actually has one of the highest APM, if not the highest.
I believe people are talking about end-game content here. You can overlap Ironfur to 3 stacks and it’s the better option than ever using Maul.
I don’t even have Maul on my bar anymore because it’s such trash.
okay? so do blood dks, druids to keep skins and frenzy regens, warriors for ignore pain, monks for brews, paladins for armor stacks and heals. It’s just a matter of who does it the easiest.
I’m confused, don’t Blood DKs need a lot of haste for CDs?
I thought BM Monk should be good with stagger being passive, but I guess not?
tiger palm and keg smash are required non stop to get brews up asap to get rid of stagger stacks.
Blood dks it depends really, its just a matter of getting your runic power up for death strikes really.
This is the APM list for T27:
According to it, Blood DK has the lowest APM for tanks. Prot Paladin has the highest APM.
Heart strike ended my tanking career. I literally wore out that single button on a kb and a g13 from tanking. This was over the course of about 5 years but still.
I would suggest going the other way and rolling a healer. A good tank is doing something more or less every global too but a healer can cast things and still be optimal without pressing a key every global and has less things to move for (though movement will still be up there which tanks have to do even more).
Also a tank is setting the pace for a run and a “differently abled” who can’t keep up with the pace is just going to slow the run down and likely be the reason keys that could be timed are otherwise untimed.
If a tank is “absolutely” necessary and bear is out (just why…bear tanking is tanking with super training wheels) than you probably want VDH.
Because you can’t really transmog a bear? NGL, this is my issue with Druids too…I love em to death, but not seeing your mog is a deal-breaker for me.
Yup, this is the reason. No xmog kills it for him.
Understandable. ilvl is temporary, transmog is forever. Hahaha!
I’d recommend Blood DK, since they don’t have to worry about mobility functions within their own mechanics. Prot Warrior, Prot Paladin, Brewmaster Monk, and Vengeance Demon Hunter are either spammy, or need to weave in mobility functions to use them fully.
It’s less pronounced in raiding environments for all specs, but BDK just removes that facet altogether.
Prot Pally is considered one of the highest APM specs in the game.