BDK is supposedly the hardest tank spec in the game…by a mile.
Not sure I wanna put that on him.
Besides, I see able-bodied DKs just get deleted on some pulls.
BDK is supposedly the hardest tank spec in the game…by a mile.
Not sure I wanna put that on him.
Besides, I see able-bodied DKs just get deleted on some pulls.
Yeah, but that’s mostly because of off-GCD SotR spam that makes up ~20% of their casts. Remove that aspect and they aren’t that high other than judgement spam. Somewhere in the the 50 APM range.
I main BDK and yeah, that’s accurate. I’ve played every tank spec at a high level btw. You have to really manage your RP, runes and CDs or you’re dead.
OP didn’t specify if his friend was going to attempt pushing keys or raiding Mythic, in which case BDK wouldn’t be hard. For both of those things, you’re always maximizing your class usage to survive (except Guardian).
There is a difference between APM and difficulty. Tanking also has an additional requirement of positioning and dodging a lot of abilities in the heat of the moment. This would be very difficult on a higher difficulty tank like a DK.
You do you…but it seems like an awfully short sighted choice to make transmog in combat the make or break over what you can play in a capable manner…which would definitely be a bear.
I still content though that a healer would be the best choice for a physically disabled person with hand/arm/shoulder issues still wanting some manner of meaningful progression. With mouse over macros and a decent UI, you have minimal movement to heal your team and the movement requirements, while still fairly frequent, are still far less than a tank will have to do.
Dk is pretty chill on apm.
You use ironfur. It stacks and I doubt you will be rage cap if you try to stack it to 3 stacks. In any group content or even torghast or world quest you still use it. It helps to reduce damage. Go look up any guide or icy veins or wow head all is against using it.
No its not its about who does it the fastest not the easiest. OP is cearly stating APM.
Yes because playing a class with a row of abilities is easier then pressing two buttons, use some logic.
The answer is DK, baby
Fewest APM of the five I’ve tried. And we can be lovable dwarves! You don’t see a Druid being this short and sturdy, do ye?
As someone who works at a pc all day then goes home and smashes on an outlaw rogue idk how I’ve avoided carpal tunnel.
Just because you have more abilities doesnt mean you press more actions per minute, use some logic.
Prot pally is literally the highest APM spec of all specs/classes in CN. If it’s not, you’re doing it wrong.
I mean this to be helpful. You’re doing it wrong. The better way would be to pull more mobs. Use that rage for Ironfur to keep your hp high even though you’re being hit more. Single target in world content on a tank spec is just wasting your own time.
I’d like to suggest an alternative. Here’s a player who ended up with bad carpal tunnel and still plays(ed) at a decent level. He had to work hard to retrain himself. He uses like 6 buttons with OPie in order to limit his repetitive motion as much as he can.