Have a differently-abled friend looking to migrate from DPS to tanking. Which is the lowest APM tank?
BTW: Druid is out.
Have a differently-abled friend looking to migrate from DPS to tanking. Which is the lowest APM tank?
BTW: Druid is out.
Well besides druid which is definitly the lowest APM I would have to say pally. (This statement is not correct)
Prot Warrior is easier but kind of spammy.
I have not played BRM or DH tank
Only played BDK and Prot Warrior this expansion. BDK is less APM, but more to watch for in terms of resource management.
Its vengeance for sure.
They only have like 4 abilities for a rotation, and the rest is defensives.
No way can war be easier than bear.
prot paladin is the highest apm tank
looking at WCL’s, it looks like prot warrior is lowest apm
Prot Paladin for sure
The most optimal (and more enjoyable imo) playstyle for Warrior tanking atm is charge dancing with the Reprisal legendary which involves constantly running out to to charge back in and intervene as well.
This requires a lot of buttons and movement so Warrior tank may also be out.
I’ll say it once more, vengeance is the easiest, literally can play it with 2 buttons, not even joking.
Coming from someone that has high mythic key’d every tank.
So is bear.
Swipe and Thrash
Uh, no. No, it’s not. Prot warrior is by far, especially with devestator being the play now outside of pure single target.
Let’s ask our old friend Simulationcraft
Blood DK
Guardian excluded as requested
These are all taken from T27 geared sims and as the post above mine suggests
There are additional considerations to take into account
Guardian Druid can be very simple to play, all you need is 2 keys one for the macro I posted below, and one for bark skin
use these talents https://www.wowhead.com/talent-calc/druid/guardian/m6Iz
for legendary either The Natural Order’s Will or the Ursoc’s Fury Remembered will do just fine they are passive
the rotation is simple just spam the macro all the time and when you see that you take extra damage press bark skin and thats all
/cast [noform:1] Bear Form;
/castsequence reset=5 Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe
/cast Ironfur
That has to be using punish over devestator, right?
Also, don’t listen to this. This will not work outside of normal 5 mans.
Except it’s not, you wont survive using those 2 buttons.
That’s nuts. I can’t imagine what they’re pressing 63 times per minute. There are huge gaps in the rotation.
Thanks for the reply.
I don’t think you, and to be fair a number of others on this thread, understand what APM means. Actions Per Minute has nothing to do with number of buttons in a rotation.
A specialization can have 1 button, but if it’s spamming that button on the GCD and running high haste it will still be really high APM.
For many people, like myself, hitting the same button over and over is what led to hand problems.
for up to m+10 and LFR it should be fine I have personally tested it, but yea I also don’t recommend it for normal raiding agro will be a problem