Lowest APM Tank?

Except APM isn’t a thing, it’s only effected by GCD, because you should always be using abilities off the gcd. Those numbers are most likely effected by haste, seeing how warrior, for example, is a tank that benefits off haste alot.

Unless you greatly outgear the content, you can’t survive in one ironfur per 20 seconds. You need to mangle. And if you shoot off ironfur literally on every button press, you’ll have gaps, which means you’ll be gibbed.

It’s not hard, but it’s not macroably easy either.

yea you have a point, you need to spam this macro on GCD in order to hold agro but you don’t need any haste for that. GL finding your class, I tried xD

So right off, they are going to have to accept that they won’t be world first raiders. And more importantly most if not all guides aren’t going to be helpful because they aren’t interested in telling them different low APM options that could perform well, guides are mostly only interested in telling you what’s best numerically or what’s second best.

I have found that Warrior with Devastator and running Verse>Mastery>Crit>>>>haste is decently low APM. Paladin can do similar things running low haste, I’m not sure if it’s better or worse.

The important thing about both Pally and Warrior(with devastator) is they don’t have a free or essentially free filler that you spam to keep up damage or help with threat. They have abilities on short CDs which can allow for a few free globals. Haste is your enemy when discussing low APM, it lowers the GCD which makes it easier to keep some things up, but also means you need to cast more often to benefit.

I’m curious if anyone actually plays to a minimum APM :thinking:

If I’m in a state where my dots are up (if the spec has them) and I’m just casting filler I’m hitting my filler key about 743 times per GCD :laughing:

It would be interesting to watch a person press say Shadowbolt and then sit and wait for it to be just about finished then press the key for another Shadowbolt.

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It’s very much a thing if you don’t have a filler. Warrior with devastator is capped by rage or CDs and will have free GCDs. Low haste directly lowers the APM.

Exactly? It’s haste, not APM.

APM is only a thing to casters, because of channeling.

SBlock + IP + Revenge + TC + SBash + stun + Ravager + interrupt + reflect etc etc. In my experience there’s no real ‘waiting’ playing prot, unless you’ve run out of rage (which means you’re not playing it right, or your way undergeared on haste).

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So every spec scales differently with stats and then the base design. Almost no specs are designed to run low haste.

Marksman does pretty well though, Aimed Shot, Steady Shot, and Rapid Fire all eclipse the GCD. And MM isn’t reliant on haste to perform well.

Kyrian Arcane will hard cast Arcane Missiles a lot and that will also eclipse the GCD.

For tanks it’s rough. They are all pretty fast. I made my suggestions to the OP, Pally or Warrior and despite what guides say, if you want low APM don’t run haste. You don’t really need it, you just won’t perform quite as well as someone who does run higher haste.

Literally didn’t say haste was needed, just saying it’s the only thing that effects APM, DK is the only spec that has any sort of down time, if they don’t manage their runes correctly, but in reality every tank spams something off the gcd.

Ignoring Druid

Blood DK>Prot Warrior>Vengeance>Brewmaster>Prot Pally

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And you are completely wrong. With low haste Pally will absolutely have down time. Everything they cast has a CD. They have no non CD spell to cast.

No one runs Pally with low haste, because they are concerned with optimum performance they are not concerned with lowering their APM.

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That’s what I like about your posts kaurmine; facts and maths instead of pish posh.

Also some fun addon/macro help sometimes.

lmao you can check this on wcl. Paladin has been the highest since mop.


I literally do on all my characters. Although, with MM I feel like I can get away with a little haste cause it doesn’t impact Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire, or Steady Shot cast times much. But I’m also not topping any charts. I do pretty well in M+ cause my AOE is still pretty good.

I haven’t leveled a Warlock to cap yet, I played around with one. I just felt I needed to dot a little more than I was comfortable with. I think Affliction in single target could work decently well with low haste and high mastery. But as soon as you get into difficult content that low haste starts to bite your butt cause you cannot get casts off.

I know druid is out, but other tanks are hard as hell…or at least too high APM

Play druid trust me, you can afk and still live if you have a good healer.

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The most basic guardian rotation is mangle-thrash-swipe-moonfire. Extra rage goes into ironfur or maul.

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VDH? They are easy to play

Clearly you never play a guardian. No decent bear druid would even use maul. I. Fact 99.98999% don’t even have it on their key bind the rest that do don’t use even use it. Is a bad spell go ask in the druid form, discord and you will be laugh so hard you wish you never ask


I’m a casual. I use it all the time out in the wild. If you want me to do less damage, remove maul. Laugh at me for being a level 10 if you like. The idea that I should just be rage capped all the time is hilarious. LMAO on that one.