Lower Cooldown on Toys

So with the new Engineering toys that have are coming in DragonFlight I would like to see about the cooldown for Toys to be lowered significantly.

The two new Engineering Toys for Dragonflight have a 6 hour cooldown for an effect that only the player who used it can see or those in their party or raid. Both Effects last 2 hours but still doesn’t explain a need for a 6 hour cooldown.

I see no valid reason for these toys and many others to have such a long cooldown. Toys that last 1 hour but with a 4 hour cooldown, some have a small 15min or 30min more reasonable cooldown. Even the Engineering Teleports have a mixed cooldown from 15min to 4 hours.

I feel all toys should have their cooldown match close to the duration of the toys affect. So if the toy’s effect lasts 30 minutes, the cooldown should be either 45 or 1 hour at most. I wouldn’t mind if the cooldown was matched to the duration of the effect either. So if the effect lasts 30 minutes the cooldown be set to 30 minutes as well since many of the effects can be turned off early.


I approve this request. Cooldowns on toys with a limited time effect should match the length of their effects, if not slightly shorter.


I’d like to see transformation toys not break from entering combat or toys like sky mirror having a significantly reduced cd or extended duration to bypass toys breaking in combat

And yeah the cds are ridiculous



“Let us play with our toys”


Some are like…30 seconds of fun, 4 hours of waiting on CD. And you cant log into another account and use it again because they are all battlenet account bound.

all toys should have no cool downs at all.


I think that, in all, they’ve done a great job of letting us find or earn some really great toys. I look forward to more and more!

The cooldown isn’t an issue for me as much as others because I make macros with my toys and stack them with my mount or hearthstone (or dash or any other spell). So, since I use these all of the time; not always having them is okay.

I’d like more instant cast toys, toys that need to be channeled get quickly forgotten in this huge toybox of ours.

And, I’d like another good long look at toys that do not work in raids. I feel that there are some very odd choices like the flaming pet hoop or the ogre pinata not being allowed in raids when raiders spend a ton of time standing around waiting for other players or breaks or gathering. And the brewfest get-everyone-drunk toy is allowed! These choices don’t seem to follow a reasonable set of rules.

The reason is quite simple really:


Omg I’m glad somebody is finally starting to speak up about this. Why do they have cooldowns at all I thought they were supposed to be fun toys. Play with whenever you want whenever you want. That’s the point of toys.

I desperately want an adjustment to the toybox, too.

It would be great for:

  • All of the transformation toys to have no CD and last for 1hr, like the Heartsbane Grimoire.

  • Drastically shorten all other toy CDs to be 1-2 minutes long, like with several other toys. Seems like a fair enough cooldown.

  • Add more items like the earplugs that allow players to opt out of certain effects, without having to keep consumable items in their inventory just to disable these things on their client’s side.

  • I think it would be fair, to leave room for error on the part of the automated report system, to have longer CDs put in place temporarily for players who make a habit of exploiting toys to grief other players.

In other words, rather than designing the system entirely based around what a handful of meanspirited people might do, have a safety net for the worst case scenario, while letting the average player have their harmless fun.

It’s such a shame not to see a lot of the coolest toys used very often due to their long CDs or zone-specific specifications! Several can really add to a player’s personal character customization, like the Burning Blade banner, or other toys like that.

(It’d also be awesome if the buff from Reflecting Prisms lasted at least an hour, and if more toy items were added to the toybox to save on inventory space. No idea why things like the fruit hat aren’t considered a Toy.)

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Definitely lower the cooldowns on utile toys and appearance changing toys. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

As long as they lengthen the CDs on the annoying ones.

Toys are meant to not be fun.

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30 minutes or more is so ridiculously excessive.

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And allow us to ignore things like the flaming piccolo

Thought this was a general toy cd thread.

I’m general I think toys should have no more than a 5 minute Colleen UNLESS it affects other players.

For instance, the toy train set needs a 7 day cooldown cause the amount of times I’ve had to turn off my voice chat and sound cause someone dropped a train and my ears are sensitive is stupid.

But toys like in the op yes. Another big one is sunwarmed sand. Why on earth does it have a 24 your cooldown?

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The toy train set should automatically uninstall, delete and ban the account of anyone who places it down :rage:


I thought the new ear bud item that stops noise would work for it but they don’t. Like WTH v

There should be a toggle in the interface panel that allows you to shut off the most annoying toys.

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That’s a great idea! It would be nice if we could toggle options in the settings, rather than have to remember to use specific items.

Maybe it could be something they add to a right-click dropdown menu in the Toybox for each item, even the ones you haven’t collected yet.

I’m really surprised that the train isn’t effected by the earbuds; I would have thought that it would be one of the main reasons the earbuds were made in the first place.

Something else that I think could be helpful for the situation: Toys being used by someone on your ignore list getting automatically ignored by your client, but just from the people on the ignore list.

Most of the time when I have an issue with someone spamming toys, it’s just one or two people intentionally trolling, but I still want to see the toy effects being used by other people.

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