Low CONSISTENT DPS is better than no DPS

I don’t think we really diverge much in opinion on this. I just lean slightly toward a priority on mechanics.

I guess when I’m healing I prefer a slightly longer, but smooth, fight over the one with several clencher moments.

Zero value add comment number 1

I’m not saying they do no dps. I’m saying people who panic under pressure do very little.

Zero value add comment #2

Zero value add comment #3.

K byeeee!

I would also add to the advice that when you do die, ask yourself why. Don’t be one of those “wtf where were the heals” when you stood in the giant ring of death. I’d say if you really want to improve than record your gameplay and look at the things you do wrong. Things like is there just a mechanic that you’re not understanding, or perhaps you weren’t getting healed because you were out of los. Stuff like that.

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And thats fine. I lean more towards your rotation.

Your rotation is something that stays the same regardless of the dungeon. Mechanics change every dungeon.

The thing that is more constant, to me, should be a higher focus. Learn your rotation, then learn how to do your rotation with a twist (mechanics).


Or you can just pump so high that you don’t even engage with mechanics.

The preferred way of playing WoW lol.

If someone is a rookie and wants to learn, I’m more than happy to be patient with them and help them learn.

Seems like a wild generalization.

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Sure, but as an example, when dps cooldowns are available, you’re just leaving time on the table when pulls are slow.

Reality is that you’re effectively dying when you pull slowly or you have low dps.

A death is… 5 seconds? Or 10? Idk, I don’t really focus on that.
At any rate, if a tank is pulling in such a way where my dps caps at 250-300k, instead of, say, 750k, that’s a loss of far more than a few deaths over the course of a few pulls.

Mechanics absolutely matter.

But damage matters a whole lot too

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I probably still take for granted that most people just have an idea (at least a rough one)
of this through leveling and playing their class. Kind of silly of me. I should really know better.

I do completely agree. Especially when it comes to certain classes and specs. I’m definitely not trying to minimize the importance of knowing the ins and outs of your rotation.

And of course that doesn’t even include knowing your utility, which plays on mechanics for the most part, and shows once again how both are important.

That’s not really what the OP is talking about though. Yes, dealing high damage is an asset. Especially in higher end content.

But the OP is talking about the skill issue if simply moving out of or into mechanics.

People tunnel vision on their damage, get hit by a mechanic and now they’re doing 0 damage.

Stepping away with that circle around you so you explode away from the group, or stepping out of the swirly and dealing slightly less damage because you have to move or get out of range for 2 seconds is better than standing there dying.

The OP isn’t suggesting that you should be dealing low damage. They’re saying that if your dps has to drop by a point or two in order to deal with a mechanic it’s not the end of the world.


Why not do good damage and do mechanics, though? These things are not mutually exclusive.


The thing is, your rotation can drastically change while leveling to max.

And many people even at max level still dont quite have it.

And at the same time, you encounter these mechanics while leveling as well. In the long run, this question largely needs the context of what content you are doing.

It’s absolutely a fair point and I think the only person here who’s angry enough to think those of us offering supplementary opinions are in disagreement with it is “Hathrnll” or however you spell it.

Mechanics are critical. 100%. And they change dungeon over dungeon. In order to succeed in those dungeons, you gotta know the mechanics.

During progression, it’s obviously about knowing the mechanics.

But what I and I think others are saying is: “if you come to progression with a fundamental mastery of your spec’s rotation, you will be far better equipped to handle the mastery of mechanics”. You have to incorporate doing as much damage as possible as you can because damage lost might effectively be seen as a lost mechanic. Is it as severe as standing in the fire? Maybe not so obviously. But over the course of an encounter, missing out on that extra bit of damage could also be a cause for a wipe. It’s all about finding that balance.

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Yeah people are overcomplicating it wayy more than they should but we shouldn’t expect any less from average wow players.

Homie, you’re 326 ilvl with no meaningful endgame achievements to speak of. You’re the average wow player. Not us.

I know the point you’re making. But you’ve been throwing out personal insults this entire time I thought it only fair to return the favor. Get good, mmkay?

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This is a timerunner character I don’t care about, Sargeras! And don’t talk to me either.

Feel free to post on main so I can be equally unimpressed with your lack of skill. I’m sure I’ll see ya never!

Lol, main’s “Hallicon-stormrage”, so for starters I don’t even understand the “sargeras” bit as if it’s some sort of insult and sargeras is somehow fundamentally different from stormrage.

At any rate, 200 exp PvP and the armory returns a 404 error, so, yeah, guy’s definitely hiding.

I think this is exactly what the OP was really talking about.

Should an Arcane Mage that gets stuck with one of the first puddles on Raz just stand in the middle of the raid to preserve their rotation? No, obviously not, they should place their puddle and take the hit without expecting the raid to adjust for them.

That’s a case where it’s going to be better for the raid overall to have the mechanic executed than to preserve an individual’s parse.


happy sunday kittens!

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Honestly we’d agree. I think the conversation would’ve been far more mellow if 200 exp Andy didn’t get all angry over us saying that dps also matters

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