Low CONSISTENT DPS is better than no DPS

More people than those that do really really good dps, but dont follow mechanics.

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Yeah you’re lying to save a dying point right now.

I’ve met a lot of people who frolic around because they’re panicking while under pressure.


Great rebuttal.

Edit :

Early in S4 I did a +2 with a warrior. He died once the entire run. He did mechanics, as he did not die.

I outdpsed him as a healer.


“frolic around” isn’t following mechanics, yo wtf are you even talking about rn.

So, pvp’s a tangent, but I’m just going to definitively tell you that I’m not lying.

You know how many people I’ve randomly q’d with that just run around aimlessly cause they’re getting attacked?

Most of the people I play with.

In pve, it’s really not that different at lower skill levels.

Hell, when I’m unfamiliar with mechanics, I panic. When I panic, I’m not doing damage. When I’m not doing damage, I’m not doing my job.

If you think this is a lie, quite frankly, you lack fundamental experience of evolving gameplay.

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I think one comes before the other though, personally. Learning to do the mechanics will set you up to do good DPS. Both are obviously important to me but a great rotation is easily broken by a failure to predict and understand mechanics.

Introducing a tangent is yet another red herring, I’m leaving this conversation.

It is. If you’re not doing damage because you’re too concerned with avoiding the fire, you’re “frolicking around”.

No, you’re failing to understand and predict the mechanics.

But one you can practice on your own beforehand. Your rotation.

If you know your rotation you have more free time to pay attention to mechanics.


I introduced it as a brief point and qualified it as such. Imagine being so triggered by that you actually use it as an excuse to exit the dialogue :joy:

Tomato tomato?

And it should be paramount to understand that your rotation doesn’t survive mechanics that you don’t know.

Those dummies are good, great in fact, but no substitute for live fire.

I’d actually argue the first situation gives a better chance of success in nearly all dungeon situations. It’s easier to heal 3 people than 5 to ensure you maintain that level of DPS rather than losing more of the party.

This depends entirely on the nature of the fight. If fewer people are alive on a fight that has randomly targeted mechanics that deal enough damage to that player to be threatening, then this is likely correct. If there are no such mechanics, or the mechanics are more likely to be successful on a single practiced player, then this won’t be true.

Honestly I actually do agree with not paying attention to damage meters during a pull. You absolutely shouldn’t care what details says until a pull is over. This post did have the makings of some solid advice, that the time for looking at meters is strictly after a pull, if not after the entire run. But that gets lost completely when the OP insists that the total damage done is irrelevant…

Isn’t that what this post is advocating people to do? That people should focus only on mechanics until they reach a level of proficiency they are able to safely press some damage abilities?

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This don’t need to be an argument.

In order to do effective dps, you need:

  1. to have mastered your rotation
  2. to understand the mechanics of the dungeon
  3. to apply the mastery of your rotation to the mechanics of the dungeon.

In order to do 3, you need both 1 and 2.

That’s all we’re saying.



Which is why one side is arguing that both things can prevent a group from achieving success.

I would also counter that most mechanics are pretty standard. That if you know your rotation, you can often pay more attention to a new mechanic and still complete it successfully.

No one is saying they are. But one thing they are great at, is the muscle memory and learning your rotation.


During a pull absolutely. But damage meters tell you whether or not you’re getting carried. If you’re getting carried, but you never died, you’re still getting carried

The more lies and crap I read from you the dumber I feel having dialogue with you.

First you say you’ve encountered people who follow mechanics and don’t dps, which is bs, I know it’s bs, I know you’re lying about this, but I expected nothing less from someone who is from Sargeras. Next, you have someone else backing you on this point and then I call him out on his lying bs, and you expect me to take you seriously? Nah bro, get outta here.

So yes, I will leave the conversation, thank you.

You come back to call someone a liar, after already saying you will leave the conversation.

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