Low CONSISTENT DPS is better than no DPS

Meh I feel like it’s been pretty mellow to be honest. Neither you or Akston are wrong or being rude or anything. I’m kind of ignoring the noise that came before I joined chat here.

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Thanks, a voice of reason.

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I have moments.

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and then bosses like sludgefist zsarn etc any dps check boss says you lose. If you cant do decent dps and not die then your just bad which is fine. but dont try to excuse bad dps players.

This lol … So true

It’s like saying low consistent healing is good, well you’ll end up dead either way in that case!

Please do mechanics and enough DPS/HPS to clear the content :joy:

If I’m healing I always prefer my dps to be gooning hard, big damage out and big damage in. Would rather wipe to getting dumpstered by a swirly than rot out with no mana and feeling disgusted for playing hpal this season lol.


Health yeah that’s the right energy. Ain’t got time for that low dps nonsense

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NONSENSE! I will pump for 10 seconds do 1 million dps then jump off edge, you can’t stop me!

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Isn’t enrage mode on a boss not a thing anymore?

That’s 10,000,000 dmgur. Let the 200k’s stay alive for 50 seconds to match you while you browse GD for 40 seconds and call it even.

Like a bawss

Very few explict enrage dps checks exist in dragonflight, but almost every boss has things that are “checking” for appropriate dps levels.

Need to burst down totems on Bromach in uldaman and Decaytriarch in Brackenhide for example. Failing to kill the small adds on the Granyth fight will get you killed by a nuke. Similarly on Iridikron in Dawn of the Infinite you need to get through a shield or you die to his pulse damage.

When all else is said and done you are also on a timer that is healer mana and cooldowns, dealing with numerous cycles of boss mechanics is usually something groups will want to avoid, and the easiest answer is to kill the boss before they talk more.

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Azure vault’s got two as well. Kill hardened crystal on final boss and all other crystals and then on third you’ll eventually run outta room if boss isn’t killed fast enough

Even second boss you gotta kill the adds before they’re too overwhelming

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So, like every boss outside of LFR and heroic or lower dungeons?

Good. I’ve read through most of the thread and you are so stuck on mechanics > dps, you can’t see that low dps can be just as bad, if not worse than not knowing mechanics.

Tbh this comment should be pinned. 10/10.

Can’t believe this guy was arguing this lol.

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I agree, btw you have a cupcake on your head.

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Less logic = more emotional.

More emotional = no can have good conversation

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But but but… mEcHaNiCs!

Tbh I wish dungeons and raids required proving ground like it did in mop. At least a dps tutorial or something.
The amount of bm hunters I see that either don’t spec aoe or don’t press multi shot hurts my soul. And thats just bm hunters. Excluding all the other classes/specs.

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Think you should also be required to hit a certain dps threshold on a target dummy in order to qualify for a certain m+ dungeon.

Like if you can’t pull 200k dps single target on a target dummy and you’re signing up for a +10, the target dummy just launches you into another dimension where the only physical bits of matter are big bold words that say “try again dummy”

Like a cartoon world of various shapes and colors and textures of that phrase

Lol that reminds me of people accidentally hitting the tanking dummy and getting destroyed.

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:joy: that automatically resets you to a +2