Low CONSISTENT DPS is better than no DPS

You’re not talking about it because you’re applying primitive logic. That not their fault. It’s yours

I was in a dungeon the other day and had someone ranting about the other two dps. The funny thing was he was ranting while dead. Because he didn’t dodge the whirling blades.

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I’m believing as hard as I can!

My guy, the OP is saying don’t worry about dps meter parsing, because if you focus on that then you’re more likely to die. You don’t need to complicate this further by saying “oh but if someone dies”.

No, now you’re just introducing a very hard and literal red herring hypothetical.

I’d agree overall. It’s better to have average DPS and survive the entire fight’s mechanics than to have a massive opener but spend the rest of the fight dead.

So that’s why it’s important to learn how to survive the entire fight and then focus on being great DPS that also survives mechanics.

You really can do both.

It can. But wipes are more likely to happen when people are dead, than when their DPS is low.

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The counterpoint being made, logically, is that it’s a disingenuous take.

Suppose someone made the reverse argument:

“Mechanics don’t matter. Just do mega dps. You’ll kill the boss if you do damage fast enough.”

That would be silly, right?

When you acknowledge that would be silly, because it is, you acknowledge the reverse is also silly.

The correct logical approach, therefore, is that it’s a balance between the two.

You can’t just run around avoiding mechanics. You have to do damage.

You also can’t just do damage. You have to avoid harmful mechanics.

It’s both.

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It’s multifaceted and I think I get what OP means with their frustration.

While DPS is important (if nothing else, the better DPS you do successfully, the fewer mechanics you have to do, so the fewer chances you have to screw up) there is entirely too much tendency for people to be cheeky to the point of hazard when it comes to pumping DPS.

I.e., it is too common to see people, instead of dodging telegraphs and swirlies in due time, trying to get in that one last attack or insist on finishing that one last cast. It’s great when it works, but all too often it’s mistimed. (We have it worst here on the NA server cluster, too, because of NA being shared with Oceanic - which means if you PUG you’re dealing with two sets of timings that can be a full quarter second off one another, making cutting it close even harder to time precisely) Then people and groups wipe, which often could’ve been avoided by playing a more cautious game.

The trouble is it’s hard to fix this culture when everyone’s breathing down each other’s neck with DPS meters and logs - where it’s actually ironically often better to fail altogether than to succeed poorly.

After all, unfinished keys don’t show up on RIO, and raid wipe logs - if uploaded at all - tend to get far less scrutiny outside the group that wiped checking them for improvement possibilities. Meanwhile, a run that cleared despite problems, rather than showing the group’s ability to recover from problems, is usually instead seen as a positive sign of weakness on the part of one or more group members.

Result? Even more of an encouragement to take desperate risks, because the “everything or nothing” approach will make you look good when it works and sweep the bad under the rug, while the measured approach just makes you look like a mediocre player to be passed over in favor of the cheeky player whose narrow escapes succeeded.

I’m not even sure how this can be dealt with, short of pushing people to stop the cultural trend of making increasingly snappy judgments. Which means being willing to take more time to do things, which has somehow become an anathema these days (heck, many people probably don’t even take the time to read, say, this post, right?) …

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If I do 500k dps, but die in 25 seconds, while you do 250k dps, but die in 50 seconds, we’ve done the same amount of damage.

Y’all gotta think, please.

Primitive logic? what’s primitive about people not dying to mechanics being a gateway to killing a boss?

You’re approaching the situation from a singular lens as opposed to two. Hence, it’s primitive.

I can be a dps who does no damage but doesn’t die to mechanics. That doesn’t mean I’m helping the group because I’m alive.

Can’t count how many times that “ace dps” has been picked up off of the floor with a brez only to die again immediately and then not have a rez for a heal/tank that goes down as well.

“bIg pUmPeR” isn’t really doing much when he’s soaking up the cold from the raid floor.

My guy.

I am saying you need to worry about both doing good dps and mechanics.

I am saying doing low dps while avoiding mechanics does not guarantee success.

By ignoring that doing low dps is also preventative to killing a boss.

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This is true of healers as well. Though for me, it’s a matter of will moving out get someone killed because I couldn’t complete a cast. Will not moving out kill me? So, in a way I feel like it’s less selfish of a motive from a healer, but hay that could just be healer cope.

Which is why I was speaking in a generalization.

I remember having to sorta train my brain to stop focusing too much on dps when I was playing Monster Hunter. Easy to forget that you get like. 50 minutes for most hunts.

Well that and surviving multiple hits by perfect bow counters against a monster feels way better than just “Do big number”

Sargeras players always have to say stupid crap like “a dps who does no damage but doesn’t die to mechanics”.

OP is from doomhammer

Look, ultimately the argument we’re making is “you shouldn’t be giving advice as such a blanket statement”.

I don’t need to be told how to play the game. Well, I’m always open to advice, but I’m beyond this level of advice.

But someone might happen upon this thread and think “well okay, I’ll just pay attention to mechanics.” Which is incorrect.

The absolute best advice I could give is:

  1. master your damage rotation. It should be second nature. (Target dummy)

  2. once you’re super familiar with it, you can spend more brainpower on avoiding mechanics because your damage rotation will just be second nature.

But no, it’s not just about avoiding mechanics. You also have to do damage. You should be paying attention to those damage meters.


who the hell have you met that completely follows mechanics and doesn’t do dps?!