Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Good Luck all…hope the Love Rocket dream comes true for some of you this year.

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Tried evoked struck out will try my alts later today

Good luck guys day 1 hoping someone on here gets!

Good luck everyone, no dice so far for me /sad

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headless horseman is a fairly common mount - I think 25% of the players have it.

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They only raised it for the first box of each day on your account. So we get 15 buffed boxes. Unless they raised it to like 20% drop rate it isn’t going to make a difference unfortunately.


pinkylee love is in the air 2022 no mount Unlike my luck in 2022 and years past,
thankfully, I got it right off the bat with Pharazon pinkylee rocket mount special.
:cherry_blossom: I hope everyone has more luck this year! :hibiscus:


Omg congratulations

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was never really top of my “desired mount” list, but I hope all you rocket hunters succeed in your quest.


Happy thoughts gang. Lets get this done!

Day 1 results 0 for 7.

Always tomorrow.

Day 1 0 / 52 attempts.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Tip: TomCat’s tours is amazing for this kind of event and keep tracking.


These dps queues are killing me as a healer main(s).

I don’t know how people do it.


That is impressive.

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Did my first one today (after not doing it for at least 10 years) …got the rocket o.O


Queue as tank or healer fights so quick u don’t really need a healer or tank

Grats man!

I can log in for one toon A-day, but since it’s only for 1 toon, I don’t see myself playing longer than that

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I am closing in on 450 runs for the normal Gul’dan mount. I got the red one after about 150, still chasing the green.

That drake from Vortex Pinnacle took me 478 runs, but there were no CDs on that dungeon. Sometimes I did it like 30 times in a day.