Love rocket daily updates 2023!

I just finished to level up 8 alts from 50s to 60… :upside_down_face:

This year 52 attempts per day…I don’t trust this “first attempt” with more %.


im going to get it first box this year the gods have willed it


3 hours everyone til launch of the love rockets!!!

still not clear how do I join the run for the rocket? in look for group tool i don’t see anything new?

I’m just amazed its still in the game and wasn’t “updated for modern sensibilities”.

Queue in dungeon finder, event starts at 10am pacific

oh, pacific time? why in the game shows pacific time, is there a way to set to EST? thanks for the info~
what makes it worse is in calendar it just shows the 10am without any timezone spec, what a lousy job

I think it’s based off pst because that is where blizzard hq is?

I know but even if having a setting of local timezone is too difficult for blizzard, at least add a timezone spec to their calendar, rather than just plain 10am

EU is already testing the new “improved” drop rate for us…it doesn’t seem that great.


I’m not even going to bother with multiple characters this year. I’ll do once a day for the “improved” chance and that’s all I can really tolerate.


But it might drop for one of your other characters… get your head in the game!! :grin:

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Quite the understatement.

It’s basically the same as last year. I think the increased dropchance was pretty much “Oh instead of 0.03% its 0.1% now! Enjoy!”

I’ve only seen 6 drop today. 4 from first try.
Last year it was pretty much similar if not more than this.

1% flat dropchance wouldve been prefered and put it in line with the other holiday mounts. This buff actually did not buff anything.

The only positive thing I’ve noticed is that the box no longer has a loot window. That’s nice I guess.


Same and one of those drops was a player with multiple accounts.

Is that eu servers?

Yes, EU collectors are already farming it, but there’s few reports, at least that´s what I saw…15mins and GO!

I’m trying my evoked lol in three minutes the rest later today

it’s up. go go go go go

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I just did Evoker first and nothing, now 51 more regular attempts.