Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Six minutes and we can try one last time for a small window today before this horrible botched event ends. It’s going to be a sick feeling to open up my empty box this morning knowing it’s done for a year

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I’m rooting for y’all.



Thanks blizzard for a horrible experience

God I hate this event another year and nothing

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Same. I honestly don’t feel like doing anything in this game anymore.

Watching so many people get it effortlessly and not even care, and Blizzard not saying a word, I’m over it. Unfortunately I still have a fair few months of sub time left which I imagine they don’t let you refund?

But meh. I’ve gquit from my guild, left the Discord. The only thing I want to do before my sub expires is finish my Mage Tower Book and that should only take a month max. I’ve got 3 challenges left.

Was nice hanging out with you QwP. Sorry you didn’t get it - it’s not on you though, we just got the short end as usual.


Nothing on this final day…just did the one try…still debating on doing the alts.

But yeah, nothing on 15 single-attempt empowered tries. Not going to disagree with anyone here…this is a stupid fix that did absolutely nothing. EVERYONE who wanted this mount and tried to get it EVERY day should be walking away with one.

Absolutely not okay.


840 attempts across 14 days with 60 characters not including the ones happening in the short 3 hour window this morning/afternoon and nothing to show for it. only 15 of those being ‘increased’ chances, feels so very good. They changed this in such a toxic way, the solution to this was so simple. All they had to do was bump its base drop rate up to match that of Headless Horseman at the very least, but they couldn’t even do that.

Honestly debating making an entirely new account and leveling characters on it for next year.


and no :sob: :anger:

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Nothing. Grats to those who got it. To those who didn’t, quit crying about it. It’s just a dumb pink mount that isn’t even a funny omage to a kiss song anymore.

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Nice chatting as well we suffered together

Blizzard really screwed us and clearly want us to buy new accounts so shady

I hear you sorry you didn’t get as well this year - blizzard see how happy and good this change made us?

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I’m so tired.

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Chimes is laughing at us all- biggest blizz troll of the year . “You think you want it but you don’t”

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15 days later and still no Love Rocket mount.

Well, better luck next year…SIGH:dracthyr_cry_animated:


Huge Congrats to players this year that finally got it…big big HUGS to those that didn’t…there is always next year…


True, but I think I may be done hunting this snipe.

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I hunted that snipe for 12 yrs before I got it last year…it was well worth it too me…to me I have the best two mounts of the game I ever wanted the Magic Rooster Egg :chicken: and the Love Rocket :rocket:

See you all next year. Was a great run trying to farm this awful soul crushing RNG mount.

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looking through the available items, i saw these…

but i don’t see a source?

are they a drop?

alliance version

horde version