Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Well, we got our attempts increased and frustation…


Adding my lot into the mix here to say this event’s “changes” were nothing.

“GREATLY increased drop rate” when the only thing “greatly increased” is my frustration over a half-baked attempt to truly fix what is wrong with these event drops.

Like, just make it cost 1K cards and let me farm out the damn thing so my nightmare can end. Or, make EVERY attempt be this alleged “greatly increased” drop chance and not just the first one.

Point is, this was BEYOND RIDICULOUS like 7 years ago, at this point on the 14th year, it’s just a spit in the face of us who try every year only to get more spit in our face and experience a true disrespect of the time we put in to maximize our chances in a system that will never respect that because RNG is just going effin’ RNG.


Nothing again. :unamused:


I feel your pain. My other half got one, though…just before Valentine’s Day. So…I’m happy for him…maybe. Probably. There was no bitterness here. Nope. None. >.>

Also, I have this whole plan that once I get one, I am going to change Chani’s whole outfit, take a photo shoot, and everything. But alas…I am thwarted by the RNG…yet again.



I just did my last run for today…Nothing, Nada… :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


No mount. I wasn’t really hopeful anyway, although I did see a person win the mount today. I just wanted to put this crapola behind me for good haha. :sob:

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How did that work out for you?

I got it first box of the year thanks to Satan.

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I tried it on two alts since tomorrow is a no go and came up just as empty as usual.

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Nothing here as well when using 6 toons and asking in guild if anyone got it this year and the answer was none. Greatly increased droprate that never happened.

Bliz needs to make these mounts abtainable from the holiday currency and leave in their non exsistant “greatly improved droprate” for that 0% chance from the boss chest.


Oh wow just realized last day is tomorrow. Nothing today. What a surprise. I’ve been doing this like most of you every day.


Blizzard can take thier greatly increased drop chance and stick it where the Sun don’t shine. I can’t understand the reason all our alts didn’t get the chance at the improved drop rate. Seriously blizzard, pretty pitiful way to listen to what your paying subscribers want. You work for us, how about listening or at least responding!!!


Well guys tomorrow is the last day for the love rocket to drop but don’t forget it’s done at 10am pst. Only a few hours tomorrow to get it before it’s gone for another year.

Last year was tough but at least it wasn’t like losing twice, once for the boosted chance, and every alt after.

To those that got one congratulations! To those who cheered and supported the rest of us thank you. To those still struggling we did what we could but got ignored by blizzard. Thanks everyone for letting me vent on this post, it was the only thing that kept me sane for this horrible event.


Hopefully with the data Blizzard got after their so called chance increase they realize how lame and stupid it was and how they baited players into thinking they had a better chance. I hope they raise the chances again next year not saying 50% or even 25 just enough so players feel like it was worth their time even doing this.


I don’t trust Devs to actually gather this data and check legacy content, otherwise MoP/WoD world bosses mount changes should had been in game for years…not at the moment Evoker broke their code with a bug. Also, Blizzard should have a wait to run test on their own…the only data that they can gather now, it’s all the personal feelings among all players that didn’t get the mount and run the event on alts besides the first attempt increase…

Devs take years and years to actually fix frustating rewards and sometimes they don’t do it…It’s like they can only handle the seasonal content…


Yeah, I meant to grind the mount a lot this year but wasn’t too motivated. Just worn down. I’d never even seen anybody win the thing. Ran it two days ago on my shaman though for giggles and saw somebody in the group say “OMG, somebody got the mount!” after opening my box and I was like “F me, ffs…”. Shoved the keyboard away and stared at the screen for a few seconds. Then I pulled it back and dropped group.

As I sat in Valdraken inventorying my junk I was like “What’s an X-45?”. In other words, I got it. :slight_smile:


I’m at over 400 attempts for the Heartbreaker toy and still nada. I only run it once a day now though cause after years I lost hope. Lol.

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no rocket :tired_face:


Yay another story of someone who barely tried and got it super easily. Just what we all wanted to hear ~_~

Sorry, I want to be happy for you but tbh I can’t do it. Running every alt through day after day and seeing 6 drop for various guildies, none of whom actually care about mounts and only did the event a couple of times, seeing so many single digit attempts by people in the Discord… I just don’t understand why it seems to drop for everyone except those of us who desperately want it and do everything we can.

I have a friend who levelled up 24 more alts in the course of this event to try and get it and she still hasn’t. Been doing it every year for 13 years and even with a boosted chance, nada. I don’t understand why we’re being punished for wanting it enough to run on multiple toons - because of course, those of us who actually care enough aren’t going to just say “Oh, it didn’t drop in the magically boosted box. Better just give up”. No, we’re going to farm every alt we have in case of that miracle.

I know I won’t get it this year, and I don’t usually mention this but I have a medical condition that, to put it gently, means that I don’t have another 6 years to farm this mount. Hence why I’m so upset about the limited time aspect of this mount and what you might call “FOMO”. Thanks to everyone who has let me vent about this ridiculous event and I’m sorry that I can’t be happy for those of you who did get it.


there is one last small window of opportunity today good luck all


Another guildie who did it less than 5 times got it.

I quit.

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