Love rocket daily updates 2023!

i hope tomorrow is your day! <3

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I didn’t get it on the first attempt, 51 more…i don’t know if I could do it tomorrow due to work… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Sorry brother :frowning: so this may be your last day?

I’ll try to bring my laptop to the office and do a last run…idk from the bathroom?

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We can send a screenshot of ur love rocket tomorrow to chimes good luck man

Nothing for me as usual. Guildie got it yesterday, first try. Friend got it today, 3 tries.

It’s honestly like if you care enough about it to have run it multiple times, you have no chance. But if you just run it once or twice then 100% chance.


my mind doesn’t work like that…so probably next year 60+ attempts per day and maybe multiple accounts.

And with today’s pointless attempt I go another year without the Big Love Hate Rocket.


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13 years worth of slamming alt after alt through this…
…with exactly the same result as usual.

What is it that they say about the definition of insanity? :thinking:

based on the rest of their posts, it seems they expected the “greatly increased chance” to be 100%. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You can still try tomorrow, unless you don’t have time to log in after reset and before 10 p.t.

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However, it’s been dropping for others it would seem and that’s good enough for me I guess.



I thought I was gonna do that at first… but now I’m kinda unsure. I guess if I’m still playing in January next year then I’ll do an extra 2-3 accounts and then try to transfer the toon if one of them gets it.

But more likely, when my sub expires in a few months I’ll just let it lapse.

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They might get a little peeved at me if I walk away from my machine at work to download WoW on a company computer ans get in one more attempt.

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You can keep queing for the dungeon on the same day until it drops.

Tomorrow is the last day!

Shaman luck :sweat_drops: all around!



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If you have even one member of executive mgmt. who is a WoW player still trying to get the mount, they’ll understand.

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I live in central Missouri. Everyone I work with would bag on me endlessly if they knew I played video games at my age. To say I’m surrounded by rednecks doesn’t begin to describe the depth of the hillbilly I deal with.


Sorry man I feel your pain

Super depressing to see this event closing and so many people left with nothing again this year


Chimes brother I know you are reading this thread. You let us down brother.

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