Love rocket daily updates 2023!

If a love rocket runs all out of love, what is it without you?


it’s not a love rocket.

it’s definitely a heart breaker.



Two days left not looking forward to the disappointment this morning

I don’t know about the entire event sucking but this change definitely sucks.

I know this is a cliche phrase but I think it perfectly applies: making the drop chance increased for only one box is a slap in the face to people that have been farming it for years. I get what they were doing, they wanted to take away the need to run multiple alts, but for mount collectors we want to run multiple alts. We purposely level them to cheat luck.

The Love Rocket and HHM mount should be the same drop chance as the Brewfast mounts. I have no idea why they couldn’t have changed both so these holidays wouldn’t be so soul crushing to people.


Just got the mount , couldnt believe it when it finally dropped.

best of luck to everyone still farming.

been farming with 11+ alts a day since event started.


Grats man happy for u on your first toon?

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yes, it dropped for the first toon of the day


Welp, didn’t get the mount this year.

Do better Blizzard. Give us a proper buff next year.


You have one more chance today. I hope you get it.

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Haven’t gotten it yet but do you have to be 70 in order to have a better chance I have a few 60’s that have been trying it to.

No you don’t…60 and higher …


how did you get suckered? they said they’d make a change and they did.

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He probably meant it wasn’t the change people were expecting or really asked for?

Only increasing the drop chance for one box kind of feels like a corrupt-a-wish to those who specifically level alts for this holiday.


and if they increased the drop rate significantly for every character the complaint would be “now i have to level a million alts to maximize my chances!! typical blizzard greed!!” and some people still wouldn’t get it.

I get it, people will complain about free gold being mailed to them, but I think that making the Love Rocket and HHM mount have the same drop rate as the Brewfast mounts would had made the majority happy.


That’s true but we already had those characters before the event start, even before they announced the increase drop rate, I already had 52 60+ alts.

WoW has a massive RNG focus and most collectors beat that with a massive alt army, I thought Devs wanted to cut that “burn out” way to play this game, since Chimes mentioned that alts are the best approach but not a fun experience, maybe adding the mount to the love event meta achievement or create a new series of achievements, a bad luck protection…etc that provides the mount 100% after doing some gameplay will be more engagind and fun for the player that using a lot of alts, the boost attempt will help the general player base including some collectors but we’re still at the mercy of RNG…not matter the drop increase.

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that’s fair, but in that case it sounds like the complaint should be “i don’t like the change they made” rather than “they didn’t make any changes”

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That’s true, I think that when players said that Devs didn’t do any changes, that means to the RNG focus, but if we’re being accurate there’s a % change for a first attempt.

There’s a lot of comments on these threads that comes from a frustated player base grinding this mount for years…


Sigh second last day and no mount fml

Feels so bad not to get the mount rip

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