Love rocket daily updates 2023!

I got a toy from the box thingy.
So… Close enough for me.<3

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Congrats Tovi…hugs hugs hugs…welcome to the elite Love Rocket club…


RNGesus, why have you forsaken me?


You should probably quit. You said you were going to after you didnt get the love rocket last year. A year has passed since that time.

I should. I was going to quit but got suckered by chimes promising a change, yeah I took the blizz bait

Still nothing. Not going to bother running it more than once a day.

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Only two more days of this punishment sigh

If someone ask me "do you want to ride my love rocket ? " I would slap before I thought about it. Or maybe ask "how big is the rocket ? "

But I am sure “pumped for a love rocket” is an euphemism somewhere.

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I know the feeling but its a scam


Congratulations blizzard, you got me to subscribe for a full year with chimes post about changing the worst mount limited event grind last year. I waited and got the announcement of the big “boost”. You guys have been great at communication this expansion so I must have missed the blue post about why it wasn’t applied to all alts, or why this event should not be given to alts beyond a .03% drop chance. Good thing we have 14 days to try and get one. Setting an iPhone reminder for Feb 2024 for the next love rocket update.

“We heard your frustration about the drop chance for the love rocket and this event not being fun. This year in 2024 you will get one attempt with a greatly improved chance for a love rocket. Alts will be ineligible for a chance at the love rocket but instead will get rewarded with more boxes of chocolates!”

“Oh and chimes is still not allowed to ever post again from his blue account.”


Blizzard can you extend this event for the month of February?

still nothing, running 4 toons.
people ive talk to still say the same old story from past years.
only found 2 people that got it so far this year, and each year there usually around 2-3 i find that got drop. doesn’t feel increased GREATLY.
is anyone able to compare previous years.
what percent each year is then work out how much it increased, then compare it to this years data to see if blizzard did actually increase GREATLY or they did nothing or maybe a 0.01 increase and just called it GREATLY.
ps. yes i know they only increased the drop rate on first drop for day… which is very weak blizzard.


Why would they not apply this greatly improved drop chance to all characters? It’s not like that for the panda mounts. Why 1 per day on a limited event?


That was my situation exactly. I was running my main (this guy) first every day, and all he got were love tokens. Meanwhile, I still ran my 15 alts every day and kept track of the drops they got. After 9 days, my Survival Hunter alt was the luckiest and had gotten 6 drops out of 9 runs, so I decided to run him first on day 10. The mount dropped! Coincidence?

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Blizzard is really dropping the :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: here sure they get many to up their sub and return to try for this mount after the bull :poop: they pulled but they revert back to being what they told us they didn’t want to be they said they changed well we all know that was a lie.

What will it hurt if for the rest of the event they make it a 100% drop even 50% would be nice for those still suffering from farming it for so long what it will do is cause those who came back for this to realize Blizzard still doesn’t give a :rat: :horse: about them and these same players will leave.

Blizzard just wants to keep killing their own damn game.


I’m giving blizzard credit they know exactly what they are doing. Low drop rates equals continued subs. That’s all that matters.

one more day!

lights candle and says some prayers tonight

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calm down with your conspiracies.

if people don’t play, they have zero need for the mount.

it only drops during one month of the year… if people just want to add it to their collection and be on their way, realistically they’d only sub for the one month they have a chance to obtain it.

Ok sure doesn’t change the fact this event sucks

Triggered and I wish you all best of luck in next few days we have been fighting hard to get Blizzard to listen.