Love rocket daily updates 2023!

A :rocket: for you and a :rocket: for you :rocket: for everyone :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: you know you want to Blizzard think of the children who go hungry without their daily :rocket: to sustain them at nights only you Blizzard can end this nightmare will you?

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I do my runs about the same time every day with no luck. Do we think it matters if I did it at another time?

I typically run it when I wake up so I don’t have to think about it the rest of the day :dracthyr_shrug:

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Nope. 0/168. I don’t wanna guess how many times I’ve tried over the last 13 years. o.o Best of luck to all. Grats to those who’ve had it drop.

Got it today on first run. Happy times! GL, all.


Grats man happy for u

I have seen this mount in game a total of 3 times in the past 12 years…

While it is possible to take that many attempts, its so unlikley that it makes me think their count is not accurate.

It dropped for me on the first run, today. Good luck everyone. Remember you get an extra shot after reset on Monday before the event ends at 10 PT.

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I didn’t get it again fml

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I dont understand how the first run I’ve been doing on the same character every day has not once gotten anything in the box other than love tokens. Should I be doing the 1st one of the day on my alts that are getting the mask, toy, rose, etc?

Why is my hunter so unlucky

This whole event and “buff” is a joke trash and an insult.


Unluckiness is a hunter weapon.

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Nuttin again for me today. :peanuts:

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considering dragging another 2 alts to 60, but it’s not going to make a scrap of difference.
my time would be better spent taking a nap.


0/595 and still trying :frowning: I guess that makes me sadist but minus the joy

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Maybe tomorrow will be better, the 60 are resting.

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that moment when you start doing attempts at one hour but then you fall sleep in your chair just to wake up for more attempts…

But every alt could be a possible drop…

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That’s where bad luck protection should kick in. After reaching a certain number of attempts, depending on the drop rate, the mount should just drop.


Grats to those whose long soul crushing grind is over. I don’t know a single person who has gotten it this year in spite of several of us that run alt armies…not even anyone in any of my communities. Sad sad sad :frowning:


finally, I finished my daily 52 attempts…2 more days of this grind for this year…