Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Kelly’s heroes was such a good movie.


I don’t even feel motivated to run my alts today …. Really starting to dread each daily box, time is running out.


I am up to 5 fresh 60’s leveled from 50 while waiting for lockouts to be available.

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I already feel good mister NubBull.

And if you cant see the almost borderline mental illness people have over this stuff, then i dont have nothing to say to someone defending such mental problems.

Dont you have a school hall or something to monitor?

Just got mine! I only run once a day to maximize my efficiency, and I got pretty lucky. I don’t know what the improved drop rate actually is, but it seems like a significant boost.


Happy for u brother

Grats, however; it could be 99% that since it’s still RNG, there’s a possibility to miss it this year and other years…that’s why most RNG grinds are beat by using alts, except for this one due to the massive low drop chance.

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oh poppet… I would have been done with school before you were even born.

it seems like you still haven’t taken the class about double negatives yet.

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Seeing it is “valentines day” decided what the heck and ran my level 60+ characters through and as usual was a waste of time and energy didn’t get jack, crack or smack just worthless junk no wonder I rather stay on the forums then waste my time in this crapfest.

I just did 45/52 attempts, nothing :clown_face: :clown_face:

I’m at about 50 attempts at the moment, so far without luck. If they have increased the chance, then my one daily slightly luckier attempt is still not producing results.


Again the same…first attempt nothing, nadaaaa


:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: sending my bouncing balls of fire to give you all much needed luck knowing Blizzard still isn’t doing this right and needs to increase it across the board before event ends.


No no no.
Next year will be: We heard the frustration about the drop rate and have “greatly” increased the drop rate for the second box you open during the event. Drop rate remains the same as first box.
We’ll review after the event is over if that should be moved to the second box per day. But we’re happy giving you one more chance and feel this should alleviate all problems.


I’m certain human suffering sustains RNGesus.


Finally, after 12 years the elusive rocket dropped! I am so glad that long grind is over! I don’t know if it means anything, but I have been running 16 toons a day and keeping a chart of whether or not they got a drop. Each day, I always started with this guy, who is my main. After 145 futile runs, I decided to pick the toon that had the best luck with drops (6 out of 9 runs) and ran him first today…success! Good luck to everyone that is still waiting!

Google Photos


Grats man happy for you!!!

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Just ran all my toons thru again tonight and nothings. I’m crying inside Sadge

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I feel you! I’m sending good vibes!

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Don’t give up if I can get it and others are now getting it who thought they never had a chance then you can get it too. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: