Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Grats! Happy for you

another 2 days of no pinkness.

got a couple of necks though…


I think you got really lucky. Grats on being free. My 60 alts might be biased from not getting it (really don’t want to sub my other accounts and try to level/run those also though tbh). I believe the first roll on the bnet is increased somewhat then it goes to that approx 1/3333 roll after. Am actually interested if the increased rate on the first roll can be estimated afterwards using data.

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Nothing yesterday or today. I’m down to twice a day.


Done this on all my characters for 8 years now, still nothing. Getting pretty discouraged at this point


Another first attempt… Nothing and I should value my time and rest properly today instead of doing 51 more attempts. I should just move to the new way to beat the odds… Multiple accounts…


I did 42 attempts, 10 lost attempts due to responsabilities now…If I don’t get it this year, next year, I’ll use 1-2 more accounts…

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I applaud (and feel sorry) that you’re willing to go that far.
I was fully committed this year to running all 60 characters up through the end of the event and just giving up until next year, or entirely.

But about 15 - 20 characters into my runs yesterday, I just couldn’t anymore. Just gave up. Blizzard wins. I’ll only be running once a day or up to 12 (since that’s how many 60+ my spouse has) until they wanna call it.

Turns out it takes 12.5 years, but eventually it sinks in that I don’t like the taste of Blizzard crapping in my mouth.

I really hope everyone that’s been trying over a decade, or has 5k+ attempts like I do gets it, but until Blizzard actually does something meaningful about this, I gotta step back.
Too old, and too burnt out to sit here with both their middle fingers in my face.


You nerds and your obsession with video game pixels.

You make me feel better about my self everyday.

LOL that is an interesting admission. Most people would be too embarrassed to say their self confidence is based on what other people are doing in a video game.


I don’t think, I could handle my full runs… I also want to explore this part of US, its a business trip but I still have time to look around :sweat_smile: instead of comming back to the hotel for 40-50 runs.

I expected so much from this year… So naive…


Think I have 12 left of my 60 today. Everyone pray for Vday <3 rocket drops.

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I’ll try in a few hours not looking forward to an empty box again

Got it today on my 1st run of the day. Best of luck to everyone still trying for it.


Damn brother happy Valentine’s Day Grats


Nice. Grats! I remember my HH mount was on Halloween years ago, getting them on a holiday makes the mount drop super special.


It’s sad that a couple big streamers normalized all this degenerate mount/transmog farming. The game could be so much better if players didn’t enable these horrible RNG drop rates.


there’s some players that incentivize wasting time in game…WoW shouldn’t be a game with this kind of massive RNG or big spawn times that just turn the game into a waiting lobby.


6 runs today.

all i got was an eye-twitch.

oh… and a toxic wasteling (as if i don’t already have a bank full of them which i can’t even give away) :roll_eyes:

if you need to belittle other people in order to make yourself feel good, you should probably work on self-improvement.

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Sigh another first box bust super depressing

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