Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Already 300 runs down, currently working on the 60 for today but so far… nothing.

5393 boxes and counting…

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i’m like… the queen of pink.
it needs to GET IN MY INVENTORY :sob:

i farmed a zulian tiger.
i farmed invincible.
i farmed the insane.
i farm.

… but this is just soul destroying.


I won’t call it that I call it the Love Rocket and I’ll never stop calling it the Love Rocket.


I believe the vast majority still call it by the original name hell even hazel she still called it the love rocket in her last video

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It should of never been changed in the first place…it was a dumb stupid reaction to sexual lawsuits that happened two years ago…


Nobully what ilvl is that neck piece…its listed on wowhead as lvl 50 what is it for higher levels?

The worse part is she already has one and got a second in in her first toon of the day.

She probably sacrifices a small gnome to the RNG gods every few days.

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I have a guild mate in my guild he got it first year it came out …then years later he got it again and put in his bank…its still sitting in his bank to this day…

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I mean it’s just lazy coding for bliz. Just increase the drop rate across all toons. Why punish us every year it’s only a 2 week event.


Don’t want to be a downer but this year seems even more punishing than before happy for people
Getting it though

I think they are trying to find a happy balance on this now…I mean you have tons of players that spent years and years trying for it and may get it …they may feel slighted if they increase the drop rate too much…its suppose to be a some what rare mount for the game like other rare mounts like Invincible’s Reins or Ashes of Al’ar…and I feel your frustration all too well …yes I have it finally but I still feel for rest of the player base trying…I spent the years and tons of alts too…one year I was running 35 alts , the year they lowered lvl to try for it and still I didn’t get it that year.

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If they are increasing the drop rate for ur first toon I feel the reward for leveling a toon to 60 is a shot at a desired mount. IMO at a non .03 chance lol but I doubt they will change with what 8-9 days left?

Been trying with 6 toons but could do more but why bother as even my friends been trying with the so called better drop rate but still nothing.

I think it would be better if they just put it on the vendor for Love tokens and bracelets.


Just running 1 account this year daily 60 eligible alts. Am down from running 97. The first roll has more excitement now but fruitless farm for a rare mount.

You are confusing “Chance” with “Probability”.
It will always be that same 1% chance, but with probability logic, the more times you do it, the more likely you will get it.

On your 1st, or 1000nd time, it is still only 1% chance.


I have to agree with this.

They were obviously not happy with the results of the significant world boss drop-rates being applied globally (too many people with alt armies got those mounts) so they came up with this “first attempt of the day” solution.

I’ve been running a couple of accounts through the holiday dungeon each day.

Nada. No mount yet. Meh.

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Got mine today. I did it on 10 toons a day from the very first day. A guildie also got his last night.