Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Yeah that extra soul crushing hope placebo…


Only trying once per day, and I got it today.

http s://

Add me as a data point for the increased drop rate.


0/60 so far this year.

The worst part about the whole thing is that I don’t even get excited opening the box anymore.


I got it my first try this year. So shocking to actually see it appear after years of farming. Good luck to ya’ll who still need it.


has anyone had trinket neck drops?


Nothing today, aside from 4 necklaces, 3 pets, 2 roses, 2 masks, and Heartbreaker toy from the 28 runs.

Dunno which trinket comes from this event.

Also of note is that the necks are ilvl 227 for level 62s, but we got 272 gear from Doomwalker as level 60s last December

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What is this “Love Rocket” ? I do not see any such item in the game.

Love Rocket - Item - World of Warcraft (

They funny part the vast majority of people I know that have been playing wow for a while… won’t even call it the heartbreaker, they all call it the love rocket…


my bad, it’s a neck.

it’s been so long since i’ve seen one, that i forgot which slot it was for :stuck_out_tongue:

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Another day and nothing on my “good” attempt so I go to the alt army and start to run again.

Honestly it feels worse not getting it now because so many people are, especially those who don’t even care about it.

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Ikr it feels so much worse running your alts after your first attempt now.

I wish we had some input on the new drop rate…. This isn’t working as intended lol , well for those that haven’t got one

I just don’t understand why those of us who care enough to farm on multiple toons are essentially being punished for it.

This is the most seriously I’ve thought about unsubscribing in a LONG time, but like, if I don’t get it this year then I might just pack it all in. This has sucked all the joy out of the game for me atm.


Yeah they are definitely punishing those who want to grind for it. Just tried my first toon and didn’t drop. I just logged off in frustration. Sigh.


Day eleventy hundred and seventy eight.

Decided to use an alt for the first run.
I got a Box of Chocolates… which is more than I was getting with the 70s.

No pinkness.


just here to say i’ve been doing this grind for 12 years (this is the 13th year) on 12 toons + every day for 14 days. This time around i’m doing it on 17 toons and still have had no luck.

i most definately just hate my life.


Where is it? I don’t see it.

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Yes, twice thrice this year already.

Edit: and just got the neck again.

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meh…I’m out…I will run my main thru it 1 time a day, and call it done. It’s monotonous…and while most times I dont mind a grind…this whole log in, log out, on 15 char a day is getting old, with such a low drop rate. Not worth it. Thats like running icecrown over & over 15 times a week for 15 yrs…nah…

wishing everyone luck tho…Hope someone gets it thats been grinding it forever