Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now

Well lazy raid logger is better than calling you a liar or just stupid isnt it?

Because your posts sure do show your lack of understanding of what ppl buy gold for. I just dont know if you really believe the nonsense you post or if you just make stuff up because you dislike gdkp so bad that you feel the need to ignore reality. All of the ppl that biy gold and spens it on everything they spend it on are laughing at you saying its only used for gdkp.

You are a typical complainer looking for the newest thing to complain about. The man with the impressive achievment list. Here is a question for you and your achievments. Can you name any one of those achievments that you completed that were affected by another player running a gdkp raid? I would also include any gold buying useage, but you claimed gdkp is the sole reason. What about the level boosts? What abouy name change, what about dual spec, what about any other thing you whine and complain about? How has any of it affected you and your achievment list. THEY HAVENT. The only thing that they affected is your sleep, because you cant mind your own business and have to worry day and night that some other players are doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Get over yourself. You are playing a kids game. You havent achieved anything except lost time.

Enlighten why would one buy 100k gold?

Imagine providing personal feedback that does not align with yours. Crazy thought.
Your fragile ego clearly canā€™t handle it seems.

Iā€™m all for shop features that exist in Classic and Retail.

Yeah, they have. Iā€™d have more geared alts of all raids werenā€™t a GDKP.

oh god no I sleep like a baby every night. Given your walls after walls of text, youā€™re the one losing sleep over this.

Neither have you apparently. Though my WFH pays me pretty well. Bought a big new construction house 6 months ago. Thanks for asking.

Your ignorance is astounding. Grats on your only fans. Wish you the best in your future.

I know ppl that have bought gold. You dont. Yet you stick to your made up facts that you know why ppl buy gold and the sole reason they do it is for gdkp. And you claim they are buying 100k? Lol. Please, just stop, you continue to make a fool if yourself. If 100k is being bought, it is extremely rare and yes it is obviously being bought most likely for gdkp.

But that is not the sole purpose that ppl buy gold for. You just have a facsination with gdkp that you cant get out of your mind. Ive already stated many reasons ppl have bougjt gold for all the way back to originall vanilla before gdkp existed. But here is another example and PROOF that the sole reason ppl buy gold is not for gdkp. Of the people i lnow that have bought gold recently they bought it with the wow token. They also bought the wow token for their brand new level 1 character that they just created. What do you think they wanted to buy gold for on a new character? Let me guess, you somehow know the sole reason is gdkp. Yep, they are putting a hogger raid together.

Im done with you. U r obviously an oddball. No wonder you cant find a job working with real ppl.

I donā€™t do gdkpā€™s but I doubt itā€™s done as a silent action. That guy didnā€™t jump up and say, ā€œ100k gold.ā€ If itā€™s run as a regular action at least one other person had almost 100k to bid against the winner to raise the price that high.

Not really. Prices that high usually get thier fast. When somone wants something and they have the miney they let it be known. One guy bids 10, next guy bods 20, 1st guy jumps to 50 and when he feels he is going to have a challenge he will get right to the high price. Anyone paying that much does not care about overspendng. But seriously. Those instances are extremely rare. Or they are in a well established gdkp group of the same memebers every week and the gold is meaningless because it transfers between the same players over and over.

You do a lot of name calling with no substance.
If my ā€œfactsā€ (which really are just my opinions based off my own observations) are wrong, then give me whatā€™s right.

You really care about facts. Iā€™d need some source citations too please.

You are super riled up.

Nonetheless, my point stands. Iā€™m waiting for the day Blizzard perma bans all gold buyers so all of you can come back crying "I DID NOTHING WRONG!" posts all over forums and reddit.

Iā€™m against cheating. Iā€™m also against game play mechanics that promote such cheating.
You seem to be really on edge. I wonder why :thinking:

Isnā€™t your guild known for selling gold on Whitemane?


Not at all. Just one thread of a guy asking for gold cap to be raised that keeps being linked by one guy who also posts screenshots of some benediction guild selling gold.

Not us though. We are known for getting realm first progression however :slight_smile:

Justā€¦ hahaha! I literally laughed out loud with my belly on this post.

Which is exactly what i do cause im always broke :joy:

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