Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now

Stop participating in GDKPs?

I really hate it when the bank charges 25% interest on credit cards. It is greedy and really does not help the consumer or community and they should stop. Mean while I think I’ll keep thousands of dollars of balance on my credit card.


I agree. Ban GKDPs


How would you do that? You’d have to ban the ability to hand out loot in raids and the ability to trade with other players.

For BLizzard to go out on a hunt and watch all gold trades done within instance? idk.
Im sure there are ways to identify those who spend 100k gold on 1 item and those who collect 500k+ per run.

And for starters they could make it against ToS and just ban some big GDKP leaders. All of that is public knowledge.

Because if players do not have an opportunity to spend 100k gold on Solace or whatever, there won’t be a need for said players to even RMT that kind of gold.

GKDP is quite literally solely responsible for how rampant gold sellers/botting is.
Remove the need for such amounts of gold, and this will remove the need to RMT.


Name change dose nothing to keep your rep, so changing it has no value for the gdkp community. It’s not your ingame rep that matters as said. Those that can get that kind of pots need there reps on the large gdkp host servers to get the kind of players that spend that kind of gold in the first place. Your ingame name means exactly nothing. As anyone looking for a reputable run dose it on server gdkp discords.

While if you just add that person to your friend or ignore list unless they realm change which is more than 7 dollars their name and any note you put on it changes on your list. It dose next to nothing to hide who you now are. In fact on fair on the community blacklist if someone shows a screen after you name change with you new name it will be updated there two.

As a note blizzard will remove the gold from gdkp scammers have seen it happen a few times now to the random small time trade gdkp hosts. As tons of chat logs saying how the raid will be and as such a scam that is easy to report. Blizzard won’t give you back the gold as they don’t deal with ninjas. But they will remove the gold from the scammer. So you not only never got the gold you lost your rep for no reason vs if your getting pots like that getting 200k plus gold a week just by hosting a 30 min to 2 hour run via the host cut, really more as you get a cut also and the host cut can be higher, often host ends up with 20 percent if not more of the total pot. Dosent make sense to those with a brain.

looks like naive people can’t even realize it.
well…without doing server transfer you can actually name change and delete yourself from everyone who have you in friend-list in both “real id” & in-game friend list, but i can’t say the method on forums because people will abuse it intentionally.

The majority of GDKP runs are being initiated by extremely large international, black market collectives who employ thousands of people to infiltrate video games. Their goal is to make the gameplay experience as unfair and unwelcoming as possible in attempt to normalize behaviors that violate both written and unwritten rules within gaming. This can only be accomplished through sabotage of organic raiding and gameplay to make the subscriber experience as unpleasant as possible, thus forcing them into new patterns of play. This is a widely studied topic that is a major issue for not only GAMERS but game developers.

Click the below link and use as much of Blizzards own terminology when you file a report of the incident as “Organized In-Game Services”. Blizzard seemingly does not take this issue serious enough to be more proactive with the enforcement of their policies. Until they are confronted with a large enough number of their paying population, you can expect more of the same.

Personally, I feel blocking proxi’s is the only solution until the next new wave of game breaking collectives show up.

When there is very easy content, the gdkp scams get a lot more common, in an instance such as toc25, its very easy and short to get through it considering all the normal modes are on the same level as naxx bosses. Ulduar drove a lot of the scams away because those runs are hell, even on normal mode. There were tons and tons of gdkp scams during naxx pre wow token compared to ulduar

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Laughable argument but ok

Whens your next flat earth podcast Alex Jones?

GDKP runs have a good intention.

An overgeared guild/group can take a few players along and guarantee that IF this loot drops, your gold gives you access to it. Assuming that those loot rules are explained in the beginning.

It HAS good intentions.

Unfortunately, ninjas will exist because they have for years. If the Loot Master lays out the expectations in the beginning and the rules, and then breaks those rules–you may be able to get Blizzard involved as it does technically infringe on the ToS and Code of Conduct.

Just be aware that some grey areas can exist if things are not clear.

You could also take the safe route and NOT get into GDKP runs and avoid being in that situation.

Go to discord. find reputable channels. Use them.

Most will care about their discord name way more than a wow name. Why?

Remaking accounts and all those contacts and building up new trusts is a much bigger pita.

And…old boy/girl/attack helicopter is probably using that name for more than 1 game.

If I were to burn my name on discord…I am burning my name for wrath, era, retail, eve, sp games too. My name is many chars in many games. So yeah, I care about that name.

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You’d be absolutely hate mobbed and banned if you said that joke in FFXIV, lmao.

This is what it’s all about. The active playerbase is effectively larger now with everyone able to clear content. People coming back doing easy catch ups. The total numbers might not be higher, but more ppl are activated so to speak. You can get 5k gs without having set foot in ulduar. It’s more bohemian, more robust. Sure, you get way more clowns and riff raff, but isn’t that how it should be. Compare this with Ulduar which was heavily gearchecked logchecked random drug testing, submit to a polygraph, 3.9 gpa, 10 years experience sql, python, minimum two letters of recommendation from standing members. The gdkp runs had almost all solid players getting rostered. Now you got ninjas, scammers, people griefing 50 tributes and leaving after 1 pull, alt f4’ers. Some might would say it’s worse, but this is the authentic experience.

Solid source you got there.

What do you expect when you join a INDOkp from trade chat being advertised by a guy using a translator?

Stop running unestablished trade chat gdkps and start running with long established groups on the server where this activity doesn’t happen.

You wouldn’t give someone 100k gold who you just met in trade chat after they tell you “trust me bro, I’ll give it right back” so stop doing it in gdkps.

Agree. It’s weird how not a single negative comment in here regarding the topic addresses the problem, Blizzard. Instead it’s “player problem”.

imo GDKPs should be banned, far too easy to scam people with all the cheap services Blizz has gradually slipped into the “Classic” game. Their decisions continue to suggest they intend it to be that way though. So I doubt they really care about the game’s integrity.


You take the good with the bad. I’ve had my fair share of SR pugs where the leader DCs with the loot once their item drops or they “accidentally” gave an item to their friend who equipped it immediatelly or roll on an upgrade and have an entire guild roll against you just to give it to one of their members or have someone blalantly swap gear when loot is being rolled incase they get inspected when “rolling for upgrades”.

There simply is no reason for GDKPs to be banned

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