My RL friends who also did Vanilla had already convinced me to do Ally on Pagle. Already got my toon made. Cant wait to see everyone in game soon!
I played Karril toward the end of Vanilla and into BC.
I was in Tragic Heroes for most of that time. I have absorbed some of their old members into my current guild.
Hey! Do you remember a rogue named Zodrules? (huge superman fan but i was a dumb kid lol). Me, my pops, uncles and cousin were all in OKT back in the day. Paladin name was Yeldarb, Hunter named Carnivorous, Mage named Acissej, Rogue named Blackphantom, Warrior named Draklovec, Priest named Lerual, Druid named Ruhtra.
Anyone remember the warrior troll named Batley? The King of the Scryers as he would say. ^)^
I will be going Alliance on Herod (PVP), name registered (likely with Aemilia) and a bunch of other Vanilla players from Lothar. Starting a raiding guild there all are welcome. Message Tristi on launch day if you’re interested
Anyone here from LOTF? would be nice to see some of you again if you are still around. I was Kainon(human hunter) and Kelci(Night Elf Hunter).
how can anyone forget him.
ABSOLUTELY!! Zodrules especially
Holy Priest Vandall checking in. I ran with Black Watch, Might and Underscore back then, I missed out on all the Destiny_ Kool Points :S
Hi all! So MIGHT will be rolling on Mankrik as alliance. If anyone is interested in linking up I can be found on discord as AppleSlices#7322.
yay! Hi there Monty, I remember you. Seen Balranna, Ixabbu Drakken- no pants or our fearless raid leader?
Sometimes I’ll go stand in that spot just for old times sake, good times!
:waves: yup. thinking about it. I’m a better player now too, as opposed to my never-touched-a-video-game self before. I’ll drag Horacio along if I do. Still Facebook friends with a few folks too.
Any members from The Unleashed that are going to play again and are looking for a home, I will be on Whitemane and starting a guild.
My info:
Name: Primelegend
Class: Warrior
Role: Tank
Server: Whitemane
Guild: Fuzzy Dangles
Back up name: The Unleashed
Previous Vanilla name: Ciaagent/Grimreper
Discord Link:
All players are welcome, but id love to get some old Unleashed members to finish what we started since we never got to finish Naxx.
I’m Tonerquin, a frost mage on Lothar. Looking for any of my old guild mates in The Order of Glory guild!
Hey man Kaczsor checking in. Human Rogue and then I had a gnome warlock also in BC but can’t remember his name as I name changed a long time ago. I am still playing currently in BFA playing a Bear tanking for a heroic guild. Can’t wait for Classic.
Cyrilic here Dwarf Paladin member of The Blackwinds played with Rymenius, Raptara, Malkinson, Frederick, and Mariya in 2004 and on.
Hey, glad to see you around! Same name and class from back in Sacred, just race changed at Cata. Can’t say I’m in touch with most of the other folks from way back when, but I’ll likely be rolling on Whitemane.
NE Hunter Bierzun here. Played with Sacred and Black Watch among others. Currently split between two groups of folks but may end up Ally on Whitemane or Horde on Herod, hopefully will see some familiar faces there!
BierzunGrey#1842 on bnet
(also Jwise’s music tastes are still objectively awful)
Hey there. I’m still around on Wow, though not actively on the old druid. Haven’t heard from Scaper in years(His Battle net hasn’t been logged in 6+ years). Bnet is Empyreal#1389. Add me