Lothar Alliance Reconnections

Looking for Order of Knights Templar/OKT!
We’re still on lothar as OKT (shortened the name a few years ago).
Still have a dozen or so members from the old days, we’ll catch you on classic again
under Order of Knights Templar


Anyone from gDisband?

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The Argonauts


oh I remember Dartu. We’re still on Lothar as OKT (shortened it a few years ago) about a dozen of us still play from the oldest days. We’ll be on classic as Order of Knights Templar

I was wondering if any of The Unleashed would show up.

One of my alts is still the GM of the guild - after everyone transferred over to Drenden with TBC.

Diante 60 Hunter, Raythene 60 War, and various others.

I was in Global Army also. Kcazsor Human Rogue.

I was also in Kindred Chaos for a bit as well. I came in at the end of Vanilla before BC. Kcazsor Human Rogue.

I played Kaion a dwarf paladin from The Tavern. I did a ton of AV and dungeon pugging.

SOCOM baby oh yeahhhhhhhh

Could it be?

Oh my god. Stop lol I just had such nostalgia there. Update - Going to Faerlina

Snake#1606 Add me on Bnet

If anyone is from Redefine, Destiny(space), Underscore or Fourth Meal were are going ally on Pagle.

Latro (Night Elf Hunter), Tranquil (Dwarf Warrior), Protector (Human Priest) on Lothar Server, Played since Beta, been around since the days of Spike, Yo, and other fighting in Auberdine. Looking for some old connections!

I remember Spike and Tranquill, not sure you and I ever played together though.

Original toon - Palathos (NE rogue alliance) Looking for Maldis/Scaper, Isath the bear tank of awesomeness, and anyone else from:

Sacred Storm
Lords of War

Been on Lothar since day one, and still here today.


  • Knights of Bloodmoon
  • Band of the Red Hand
  • Aiel
  • KE (both of them)
  • The Bit Players (in Cata/Wrath)

My main characters:

  • Tehuti = Mage
  • Elizerith = Druid

happy seeing some redefine people, monty here :slight_smile: hoping more are going to play classic!

You’re not alone. I was there!
(Warcraft Realms)/charsheet/897487

SabinFigaro, played in Sacred, Ascend, and Z E N as a NE Hunter. Wonder if Poly/Tefs/Drunkswimmer/KamiYasha or many more are still out there?

Night Elf Hunter - Glyndara
Night Elf Priest - Healbot

Raided MC and BWL with Contempt and another guild that I do not remember. Moved off of Lothar before BC, but never forgot my true home.

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