II think you were in my guilt towards the end can you kindred chaos
I was wootness
II think you were in my guilt towards the end can you kindred chaos
I was wootness
Y’all Remember that undead rogue in av. I Swear they made a achievement after him
I started in 2005, my first main was a gnome warlock named Stache, then eventually my druid Seckks. (Ah highschool humor…). Eventually xfered all my chars to Area 52 server when they offered free transfers around TBC release.
Shout out to anyone else who was in The Argonauts. People I remember off the top of my head:
Elway, Piper, Rooster, Ithaka, Illustra, Anei, Borntobeugly, Wootness, Quarum, Luckcherm, Nemai
Hey, I have many characters on Lothar still, I have played for many years since the beginning here are a few of my guys on Alliance, Sinisterimp, Bób, Huntdorf, Sheaolivia, Robertt, Holabackgirl, Ningalooter. I only have 20 level 120’s sofar on Live WoW.
Might is rolling on Mankrik Alliance PVE server. Here is a list of our members that are playing classic with us. Anyone from Lothar is more than welcome to join. We are going to be casual nothing hardcore.
Not 100% were from Lothar but many of them are. Hope this helps find some old friends.
Aeren(Refluxx), Aszhalinde, Athryn, Blottica, Bobsal, Braush, Bulmunk, Constantine, Crazyterran, Cyrax(Maybe), Draxyl, Evaelyn, Felwyn, Flu, Gaske, Hana, Keldara, Konabona, Loneless, McGuy, Mmzero, Morphic, Munkky, Nemesism, Redlol, Sadalix, Shaalth, Shandara, Sieara, Silversum, Thrfiddy, Treenutz, Tswizzle, Ultima, Vantro, Vardisk, Villagebike, Venia, Vladimir, Zardren
Add me on bnet if you wanna come play or if you just wanna find one of these people to chat with.
I was in UO - Dimoroc, Human Rogue - 2005 - 2008(?)
Zagan - Female Human Warlock
Greetings All!
Wondering if anyone remembers me at all! My characters were:
Vladiimir - Dwarvish Prot Paladin (Mining/Smith)
Kassadar - Gnomish Frost Mage
Luvage - Gnomish Combat Rogue
NO WAY!!! I remember Healbot and Glyndara.
Think we raided together. Vladiimir, dwarf paladin.
I can assist you in the recreation of this guild if you so desire!
I remember you! Although for some reason I kept thinking your name was “detheroc” but that’s the name of a Warcraft character. Where are you planning to set up?
Hey, I remember you! You weren’t in Impulse, but you were friends with people there and would come on the Vent sometimes. You were in Underscore (?) or Blessing (?) but I remembered you were raiding Naxx right when it came out.
How’ve you been?
Kevn (Human Paladin) / Tightheight (Dwarf Priest) / Jaggergott (Twink Human Rogue)
Serious guild hopper back in the day, raided at least once with pretty much everyone 04-07, Might, Underscore, Destiny, TAG, Kindred Chaos ( Still have a few Gsheets with Galinda’s raid assignments), Sacred, Knights of the Alliance, KOTA Warsong (19 twinks), Reverti Lux then Gdisband.
Tons of awesome memories
Legasae - was a NE hunter at the time
Honestly dont remember names of anyone I played with =(
Mannylegace is the only toon I still have on Lothar but active on other servers
I feel like I remember running with The Bit Players but not sure I was ever in the guild. Will have to dig into some old saved stuff and see if I can find anything else.
I wanna say I was also in a guild called Fierce or something like that at some point as well.
Hey dude, I remember you!
Every once in a while me & Swiftjustice will still say “sonji, the cookie monster, has joined the channel” in our best microsoft sam voice haha
Man, that was so long ago that the guild names just blend together. Underscore is definitely familiar but I know I primarily ran MC/BWL with Sacred and Naxx with Black Watch.
Been busy since then, probably same story for a lot of folks!
BLACK WATCH! YES IT’S COMING BACK! (My memory that is)
I had a few videos from them downloaded. Whoever made them (I forgot the name of the GMs, there’s Elladia and J something) had amazing taste in music.
I also remember Sacred. But I remembered talking to you during 1.11, so I imagine you were with Black Watch at the time
I was in gDisband as well, who do you remember from that guild? Boldarblood was the guild leader I think.
Yeah, I remember ret pala Ryath (Boldarblood)!
My bro Terrell was also a hpala in gdis.