Merllynn gnome mage
Toguza NE Hunter
Hi pals!
I was once in The Avengean Guard before the name was later changed to Total Aggression Gaming (TAG).
I used to be known as:
Ices - Night Elf rogue
I also played a druid and priest on the side. It would be great to reconnect with anyone who was in guild or anyone who I used to pvp with, even if it’s just to say Hi
I also threw together a google spreadsheet with some screenshots of a lot of different folks who I ran into now and then and here and there in vanilla. Maybe someone might find themselves?
Hi Jana, I was in TAG all through vanilla, TBC, etc. I was Ices, NE rogue. You’re the 1st person I’ve seen from TAG beisdes Targrim, who I saw on VanillaFriends.
<3 Underscore. Dubs (Warrior Tank) here. Papagino (also Warrior Tank) says Hi too.
I was Arine, Night Elf Druid, and also Arinek, Human Paladin. Looking for Rural, Night Elf something.
Your name actually rings a bell! I remember Coie talking about you actually haha I will. He’s a gym rat now.
Hi, did you ever remember a mage called Aemilia at all?]
EDIT: Here’s a video of us downing Razuvious for the first time! You were in it, Tristi!
Hi Ices! I am glad to see there are still others from the guild around. I know that Ayefkay, Tbagassassin, Teresai, Shortyburny, Juno and some others are still on but I think the people remaining are likely spread across two servers now, Lothar and the server they moved to for WoD, Lightbringer.
I have no idea how many will be back for classic, however Klaus and I will likely play it alongside the current game. Please feel free to message me in game if you see me on- will add your listed charater to my in game flist!
I remember both of you! Those were the days! Great to see so many old faces pop up in this thread!
Thanks for that! I saw a bunch of old names I havent thought about in forever! Seems like we all drifted off around the same time or into Silversun
Anyone from Knights Templar? Nicholas the human paladin says hello.
Hey, the name doesn’t stick out but the guild does. I ran a paladin named Nicholas. What up?
Crazytrain, you out there?
Hey! I don’t know if you remember me but I was in The Unleashed in Vanilla, Fujin 60 Human Priest, raided with them till BC.
I main tanked for guild [Majestic Knights] i played prot warrior named (Mordric).
haha wondering if anyone else out there.
not sure if i was in ur guild but do u remember a prot tank named Mordric
What about people you did PvP against? Felon from Demolition, troll rogue. Gotta say, WoW pvp was never as good after the rivalries from vanilla disappeared. There was never anything like a premade Demolition team matching a premade Might team in WSG.
Yo whats up. The premade WSG matches were the best. Not the best feeling when you lose but they were for sure some of the best moments in classic wow. Pretty crazy we both ended up on Turalyon when we both xferd off. The Fusion vs Might games were crazy as well.
What are the Demo guys doing for classic?
Yeah that was odd, I just ended up there cause some high school friends were there haha.
No clue about the Demo guys, I quit for a while before the bnet friends thing came out so I lost touch with everyone unfortunately. Hopefully a few pop up on these posts.