Lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in MS OS

Or I suppose more relevant to this thread, you don’t need to divide parts and words in a sentence to understand how they relate to each other to get the intended meaning behind words to understand their context? WHAT?!?! Are you even saying?

Trying to be a rocket scientist explaining why boomkins should roll on solace.

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It’s best not to feed them especially this late at night. Scrolling through the thread half of these responses are on ignore.

:clown_face: you dropped this


the confidence with which you assert that his healers are bad is disquieting


hell yeah brother

Was it reserved? Did the boomkin join as heals but get asked to switch to dps for that fight?

If not, he should not have gotten the trinket. PvP BiS doesn’t mean jack to the other raiders. PvE loot should be awarded in a way that “helps the raid,” regardless of whether the exact same 25 people are ever in a raid again. They’ll be with other pugs who also want fair rolls.

Guessing the raid leader didn’t want the fuss, knowing that everyone can get the non-heroic solace soon.


╭( ๐_๐)╮

that’s not what i expected to read toward the end of the thread about a boomkin taking solace for pvp.


I suppose it can be a bit jarring out of context. See, a ways back I had washed my hands of the subject (that being the boomkin and the trinket, and how the only thing people are entitled to in a pug is their roll) but the priest insisted on continuing to talk to me, so I moved on to a different topic about how I was living rent-free in his head, as by now he apparently already had my on ignore for a couple of days, yet continued to reveal and respond to every single one of my posts

Eventually that came to him saying I had been insulting him the whole time (I had not) using a handful of statements from me saying how he couldn’t read/understand the things actually being said as me calling him unintelligent. I apologized that the things I had said came of as insults and tried to assure him that the ability to read and understand written words (particularly on the internet where it’s hard to gauge someone’s intent) isn’t inherently tied to one’s intelligence. But he wasn’t having it and continued to try to make the entire discussion a big fight, so I finally just put him on ignore and moved on…

Looking back, it was kind of a wild one last night

Probably clueless hpal :rofl: who cannot deal with a fact that ilvl178 trinket from normal dungeon is his bis in Ulduar :wink: On another had I lost many rolls on Int trinket from General to a casters but wasn’t salty about it since used Darkmoon Int card. Solace is obviously pure healing trinket but sadly some guilds qualify it as caster trinket and any mp5 gear in general. To be fair mp5/spirit gear is useless for Hpal and I compete with caster DPS on Haste/Crit/Spel power Cloth gear. Some are upset that plate class is rolling on cloth :rofl:

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Bruh what? You are the one that dragged it out, I was just responding to you. Don’t want people to respond to you, maybe don’t quote every sentence of their post.

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Seems like an arcane trinket to me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s clear this trinket was made for arcane blast spamming.

How would people feel… if I told them I just saw a Rogue buy Lost Solace from under healers.

Now that’s a guy that absolutely should be put on blast

Though I guess at least the healers will get some gold for it

The more I read your posts the more I think you are a high level troll, I wish you the best of luck on your trolling.


Always a shame when someone is so incapable of discussion that they just throw out the troll line willy nilly…oh well, another for the ignore list I guess

Lmao. Sit down dude, she killed you.

Just further proves this game is trash when you have 4+ classes rolling on the same stuff and mail, leather, and plate is mostly uncontested compared to cloth.

Wrong. BiS is BiS.

It’s just like that DV trinket thread for Prot Pal. It’s BiS end of story. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Dps trinket.

I posted this in that thread hope it helps. It’s really simple.

If an item is BiS it’s just really that. Congrats to the Boomkin for the BiS trinket and better luck next time too the OP.

Going to assume this was a PUG, so that means - find a guild and pug less or do a GDKP and pay for what you want.

Imagine not knowing that many classes share loot tables. Or atleast accepting it. Play a rogue, then talk. Can only wear leather, only druid and rogue should roll with your logic! Yet, hunters, shamans, warriors, dks, paladins…all use leather agi gear. And some are bis over mail or plate agi gear. Long story short, join a guild or prepare to just cry all the time.