Lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in MS OS

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t solace a healing trinket first and foremost? Lost it to a boomy yesterday and was arguing that it’s a healing trinket so if it’s MS>OS I should get. The leader didn’t want to hear the boomkin complain so gave it too him. This is the reason I don’t play this toon anymore lol. Same thing happened in Ulduar with Hpals winning my bis SP trinks 3x times.


I think it’s considered PvP BiS for Balance.


Join a guild.

It is but that shouldn’t have relevance in MS>OS, at least if not specified at the start.

I have one on my Boomkin for PvP, but I bought it in a GDKP, I would not have tried to roll MS on it in a traditional raid.


I mean, it is technically a beneficial trinket for casters…sure it benefits healers more, but it’s not like it’s a wasted item on a boomkin, spell power is spell power


Yes but when referring to MS > OS it should be given to healers is all I’m saying. It’s the same thing as me rolling on dps items as a healer


But why? A boomkin still makes use of both spell power and mana regen

healers do not make use of hit rating

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This is true but Blizzard pretty clearly intended for Mp5 and Hit Rating to be the dividing line between Healer and Caster DPS in Wrath otherwise healers would just get screwed over for gear at every opportunity.
Spirit used to be one of the major dividers but now almost every caster (except I think only Ele) has some beneficial use of Spirit for damage.


If this is the case then why do Caster DPS still benefit from mp5?


Blizzard didn’t know what they were doing. Why make classes like Hunter and Shaman get funneled every mail piece and every cloth class has to fight even with Boomkins. Such a bad game design

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This is the reason I don’t do MS>OS and look for SR runs, so I can see what silly items people are chasing.

Saying caster dps benefit from MP5 is like saying they benefit from strength because it makes their auto attacks hit harder. What is the benefit from MP5, dps casters all have mana regen built into their kits and should never need MP5 to function.


MP5 helps Boomkins sustain themselves that much longer. Over the course of a raid encounter it could mean the difference between them having to use their innervate on themselves, or being able to give it to the healer. You’re horribly exaggerating the comparison

I’m not saying it’s a good upgrade, but it is a usable one. With how difficult trinkets tend to be to come by, it’s entirely possible the Boomkin in question was still running ilevel 200 trinkets and desperately needed literally any sort of upgrade. Should it have gone to the healer? Probably. But is the Boomkin deserving of being called out and shunned for taking it? Absolutely not


I don’t think my comparison is that much of a stretch, even on a 10minute fight unless the boomkin is battle rezzed they won’t run oom even if they vate healers. Looking at a 7min logged fight with a boomkin using vate on the healers and he never dipped below 70% mana. Sundial also sims higher than solace.


It absolutely is. Mana regen gives casters more of the resource they use to cast spells. You can argue all day that they don’t need the extra resource, it’s still not a fair comparison to a stat they literally have zero reason to use

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Wasted regen is wasted regen. They don’t gain damage from having more mana. The strength would be wasted because they aren’t auto attacking. The mana isn’t getting used and is wasted.


You said yourself in the instance of a death then they would be low on mana, wherein the extra regen becomes useful. An unlikely scenario to be sure, but still one that could happen

Strength will never be useful in any scenario

I try not to gear characters around the idea of dying, but to each their own.


I mean sure, but if that death was the result of a healer without Solace running OoM then it defeats the purpose of the argument.


As a healer myself who does not have Solace (and is in fact still running ilevel 200 trinkets) I can assure you no one is dying because a healer went OoM, and if they are, it’s not because the healer is missing one trinket

Your experience is limited you haven’t even cleared ToGC. Healers most certainly can go oom and it will be a factor in ICC.