Lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in MS OS

Yes it is.
If a Boomkin is wearing an alchemy trinket they absolutely should not be in the raid in the same sense that a melee dps wearing green gloves should not.
In fact even less so considering trinkets are bigger power items than gloves are.

But the melee dps taking a tank item should?

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Why? It’s item level 200 and provides decent stats for that level, and trinkets aren’t the easiest thing to come by. If the rest of their gear is up to snuff a lower level trinket isn’t going to kill them

No, because they shouldn’t be in the raid to begin with. If the raid leader added them to the team then it’s their responsibility

The Boomkin should also not be in the raid. And a trinket makes a far bigger impact than gloves do.

If a 2nd trinket is that hard for them get a 150 Spellpower Battlemaster Trinket or farm TOC Normal.

The Battlemaster trinket is almost the same value as the Solace and the TOC normal trinket is just better than both.

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A 200 > 245 ilevel trinket is not going to make a bigger difference than 138 > 245 gloves would

I agree, if they could get into a TOC Normal they should absolutely run TOC Normal. But no one runs TOC Normal

I personally do not believe pvp gear should ever be the solution to a pve problem, but that’s a whole different argument for another time

They do, the trinkets are very good so people constantly make trinket run groups.

What you personally believe doesn’t change the fact that it is a very valid solution.

Solace gives 150(168) Spellpower and Battlemaster’s Ruinnation gives 150 Spellpower. Both of their secondary effects are effectively useless for a Boomkin but one causes loot drama and the other is self farmable.


Must be nice on your server then, I’d love to be able to play my Warrior on the side…

I didn’t say that it did?

If this is the worst kind of loot drama to be expected from a pug raid then honestly ICC is looking pretty good for pug players

Yes, it is.
And considering OP is on the same server as me it’s a relevant point here.

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Cool, awesome, good for them. But they weren’t in a ToC, they were in ToGC. It’s easy to say what should have been after the fact

I dont agree with because solice is not MS for a boomkin. The RL should have told him no.


When you go to a pug raid the only thing you’re entitled to is your roll. The stats on Solace are usable by boomkin. It should have gone to a healer, yes, we agree on that point, but it went to a boomkin, who can benefit from it if suboptimally, better than it going to a Warrior or something. It sucks, but that’s the trouble you face with pug groups. If that’s a problem then either make your own or join a guild

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No. If its a MS/OS then you can expect people to understand the game. No RL who knows anything is giving a solice to a boomkin. Stop excusing gross incompetence.


Don’t join pugs if you want everything to go exactly how you say it’s supposed to. Or at least form your own pugs, then you can dictate who is entitled to what gear yourself

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My stuff/other stuff

It’s all hunter loot

Regardless of how any of us feel it wasn’t our raid. Don’t like how it was lead? Don’t join them again. Bad looting happens.

“Each time you cast a spell” has no role check, but the proc itself is called “Coliseum 25 [difficulty] Healer Trinket”. Could have linked that to them to “prove” it’s a healer purple.

This is so stupid. If you have a brain you understand Solace is a healer trinket. So stop defending morons lol.


If you run your own raid you can determine what is and is not main spec.

I like all these people saying if you run your own raid. Pretty sure the communities view of what items are MS doesn’t change based on the leader. The amount of victim blaming and justifyng the actions of a boomkin ninjaing a trinket reminds me why I stopped MS>OS runs all together.


No one said it does. What we’re saying is that by being the leader you get to make the loot decisions yourself

The boomkin rolled on the trinket. The leader gave it to them. Logically, if you think OP is entitled to the trinket by virtue of being a healer, then you should lead the raid yourself, so that you can make a different decision than the person who led the raid before

No one is victim blaming anyone. You people just want so badly to be offended that you’re incapable of differentiating between indifference and maliciousness.

To reiterate what I’ve said multiple times now: the only thing anyone is entitled to in a pug MS>OS raid is their own rolls. If you have concerns about a raid’s loot rules, you should raise them before starting the raid, and if any red flags come up, leave and find a different raid, or again, form your own to make your own rules

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I’m not offended at all. I just don’t like watching people spreading false info. A boomkin should never take Solace as MS.

Solace of the Fallen is considered a MS healer trinket by the majority of the community.
Any player joining a MS>OS group would assume they are followed the community norms.
The leader chose not to do that and let the boomkin ninja it because it is not healer MS.
People are defending the boomkin for ninjaing, which is just harmful for the community.
This crap causes people to quit the game and quit raiding. You might not care, but I’d rather not lose players to idiots that roll on trinkets that aren’t their MS.

At the end of the day my only goal is to educate people that rolling on OS gear is bad for the game period and saying you should lead your own raid is basically victim blaming on a low level. You are basically saying over and over again well it’s your fault for not leading your own raid.


Sure, Jan

No one is arguing against this

Any player joining a MS>OS group would assume the only thing they’re entitled to is their rolls, and that if they want to be guaranteed a “fair” shot at a specific item they should ask about said item ahead of time

Incorrect. People are explaining the reason why a boomkin would roll on the trinket in the first place, and that these are the risks taken when blindly joining pugs

It does not. People quit the game because of poor management on the developers’ parts. No one of any actual value is quitting the game because they lost one item in a pug

No, it’s not. It’s providing a solution to a problem you are having

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How is that not trying to defend what he did?

People don’t quit games when they are having bad interactions with players? I highly doubt someone who logs in and plays with jerks all the time is going to keep playing a game that allows it.

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