Lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in MS OS

You wouldn’t still be progging on it if you guys used the stack strat that basically every single guild uses. Everyone takes dark portal and stacks. You have 2-3 DPS take light portal and soak the light balls. Make sure those DPS are highly focused on grabbing the light balls and you will kill this boss in 1-3 attempts.

I’m not going to pick apart your guild’s logs too much but… why is your Holy Paladin not using Beacon of Light?


Its primarily a healing trinket, it benefits healers much more, it was a ms>os scenario MS stands for the role you play in the raid and not outside the raid, dps caster roll/99 and healers roll/100… The boomy just wanted a shiny new toy.

That is the strat we use actually, though we have 5 people on dark including myself, since being a resto druid moving and healing isn’t the biggest issue, and stack light in the middle

hell if I know, holy paladin is probably one of my least played specs in the entirety of WoW’s history

Whenever people say someone won “their” trinket. I know you are an annoying player to raid with. Thinking all loot is yours.

If we’re saying a mp5 item can be MS for casters then melee should MS tank gear if it’s a DPS upgrade? Hey even the defensive stats mean you can soak some close ranged AoE damage and don’t have to stop DPSing.

OP is right but the only remedy is to avoid that group in the future.


Yeah just sounds like nepotism/not wanting to actually deal out loot how it’s meant to be.

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Theoretically? Sure, an upgrade is an upgrade. But realistically, if you have a dps in your raid group where a tank piece is actually an upgrade for them, they should not be in your raid group to begin with

Good thing you lll be able to buy solace and faith by doing dungeons next phase lol

Idk why you guys argue with Noxranna they are clearly your average awful player where the only time they experience a full raid is when lfr is involved. Dps has no place using mp5 items in any sort of pve aspect and pvp isnt a mainspec.


mhhhmmm, does your logic not invalidate your original stance??? An upgrade is and upgrade?


Yeah, I added him to my ignore to save myself in the future. It amazes me how far someone that isn’t clearing the content will argue they know everything about their role/spec.

Me see big ilvl, me upgrade! Is how I read that when I saw that post.

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No? I’m not sure how you come to that conclusion. If you’re referring to my “healers don’t use strength” statement, no, it doesn’t

A tank item would, naturally, come with strength or agility as its primary stat. Assuming the dps in question is a melee dps (or hunter) then they use either strength or agility as their primary stat. Therefore, the item could, theoretically, be an upgrade for them - but only if the item being replaced is such a massively low level that the secondary stats don’t make up for it, thus my follow up

Because if their gear is at that level, then it is clearly not at a reasonable level to be of value in that raid

But I guess I should know by now you guys only read what you want to read

I"ve seen prot pallies win deaths verdict in ms > os as well. One of the big reasons you shouldent run them. Go to SRs or GDKPs

Its a terrible trinket for boomkins.

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Like I’ve been saying from the start, I’m not claiming it’s a good item, just that it’s a usable one

If I were playing boomkin I’d gladly take spellpower and mp5 over my alchemy trinket

Usable is not an excuse. No one with a brain thinks solace should ever go to a boomkin. Its a waste and only selfish players would consider taking it.


Ok lads, lets all calm down and remember its just a game and we’re suppose to have fun. Opinions vary and it suck to lose a item trust me I know, a hunter ninja’ed HoJ from my group back in classic vanilla, but lets just remember its just a game and nothing to fight about.

So…exactly what a pug MS>OS run is, glad you agree with me

If this were a guild run I’d have a whole different argument, but OP never specified so I can only assume from their wording it was a pug

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I’m not sure how you can say this but also defend a Boomkin taking Solace.
It’s the same thing.


A boomkin upgrading from, say, an alchemy trinket to Solace is not quite the same as a dps replacing gloves they’ve been wearing since level 71

Also, “defend” isn’t really a fair assessment of my argument, either. I’ve already said the healer should have gotten the trinket, all I’m saying is the boomkin shouldn’t become a pariah for taking it. It’s an unfortunate circumstance that’s worth little more than a shrug and moving on with life