Lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in MS OS

Same exact thing can be said for a caster DPS needing a mana trinket to not run OoM


I prog it every Tuesday. We’re stuck on twins because our dps are having trouble understanding not getting hit by dark orbs. I have to actively try to burn my mana

I can’t help but feel you’re losing track of my point

So you agree that you are not fully experienced in all HMs and you are still progging. Your Ulduar experience seems low and healers most certainly do go oom in there as well. You can not say healers don’t oom if you aren’t even clearing the content. How can you know if healers are going oom if you aren’t doing it?


Mana regen? No, they dont. Mana is never an issue in PVE encounters in wotlk.

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I do not agree that this has any relevance to the discussion. Progression is still experience enough to comment on the subject

Sorry your healers are bad, I guess

But they should. But moreso the raid leader for allowing it.
If mana regen is that necessary to them then they need to be called out to make gear improvements elsewhere because with proper gear (enough Crit) a Boomkin doesn’t run OoM outside of abnormal scenarios.

The only time I’ve ever used Solace on my Boomkin in a raid was in a 10m that we didn’t have a Pally for wisdom and had no Replenishment. And even with that I didn’t even use my innervate so I’d probably have been fine without Solace and just innervating myself. And even if not I’d put that one under the “abnormal scenario”.

This is the same argument as tanks taking melee dps gear. I’m a tank and I like to use dps gear a lot to push limits, but I’ll never take it over an actual dps.


You can’t speak to others skill level when you are below that skill level. Clear the content then come back and use your experience as the base of your argument.

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I certainly can when they do it first

You said this before I mentioned your progression. You can’t say healers aren’t going oom if you are not clearing the content. How can you speak to something you haven’t even done?

I’m not sure how either of these two comments are connected in any way, but ok

You are saying healers don’t go oom based off your experience, but you don’t have much experience with high end content, so you can’t say well since I don’t oom on normal no healer ever goes oom. That is how it is relevant.

When you play with strangers in a pick up group, they likely aren’t interested assigning loot in what is best for the group. People are interested in what’s best for them.

You can attend MS>OS raids with SRs and use an SR on a trinket or join a guild where there is a benefit into putting loot where its most beneficial to the group.

They fixed this going into Cataclysm. They obviously learned.

Because they don’t

I run the current highest tier of content every week

You seem to have this misconception that because I haven’t cleared TOGC, an inherently team-oriented effort, that I, personally, don’t have the knowledge or skill to talk about my own role. Imagine going to a baseball game and saying the pitcher is bad when the designated hitter is the one that struck out :roll_eyes:

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I heal it every week on 2 disc priests/1hpal/1rsham. You haven’t cleared it once on your main and you are blaming your raid team. You aren’t even performing well on your class and you want to argue that you are an expert at your role/class then show me some numbers that support you know what you are doing.

You can NOT speak from experience you do NOT have. I don’t know why this is confusing. It’s ok to be underperforming, but you can’t act like you are the expert on something that you clearly lack expertise on.


It’s not, yet here you are with zero clue…

Healers don’t really need gear honestly, they’re like last in line to get it unless it’s specifically for them (like val)

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I hope you rolled on reign

You’re defining MS/OS in a way to make yourself feel right. It was an upgrade for the boomkin’s main spec so he rolled on it, and that’s all there is to it. Better luck next week.


It’s not an upgrade unless the boomkin was in leveling greens. Sundial parses higher than solace. If we are talking dps.


If OP wants to vent or get sympathy, then its fine. Man it sucks, but it is what it is.

If OP wants justice or vindication that she was wronged, then she won’t be happy that practically no one here thinks she was wronged.

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