Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

Because DV doesn’t have much to do with survivability.

What? Homie, it wouldn’t make a difference if the paladin is playing his rotation properly. For example, I’ve ran 25 heroic togc and the prot paladin didn’t know to use wings on pull or to use hammer of the righteous for threat - his threat was really low and DV wouldn’t have made much a difference. His holy shield uptime was also abysmal. Another example on Alg, the paladin tank didn’t know to stagger his defensives so that he had cd running for a stack - he died multiple times. I know DV isn’t for survivability… how does a DV trinket address either example?

So he just needed to press his buttons more. That trinket doesn’t help with that at all.

It still does benefit the few buttons he is pressing, as much as you want to ignore that.

Mechanics, damage, healing, and class knowledge isn’t just about pressing buttons. It’s about pressing them at the right time

That has nothing to do with the best in slot gear.

It’s literally bis for every physical dps class… that’s not a valid argument. Even if the prot paladin is 99 parsing in dmg… he’s still at the bottom of the meter. It might be a huge boost for him, but an overall loss


That doesn’t change the BiS list. I know it may change what you feel is a priority list to who it goes to, but regardless it’s prot Paladin BiS too.

I have major concerns for your raid if you don’t have threat issues with them not using HoR. This trinkets prio target is far from what you all should be focused on.

Valanyr was enh shaman bis in p2 but we didn’t see any getting it’s first

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Because the benefit was marginal for them versus other options. DV is not marginal for prot paladins.

Haha, my raids don’t have threat issues. The tanks will get DC but they don’t need it. They already pumppppp

You just said you raided with tanks who don’t use HoR. I have a hard time believing your raids pump if that’s really the case.

Those were pugs on alts. I play five characters

Gratz. Not sure what that has to do with paladins bis.

Gear make players good is your argument. This thread isn’t about bis lists, it’s about how the OP understandably feels robbed even though he had no rational basis for assuming loot rules in a pug

Gear has benefits regardless of skill level.

You’d think so, but gear does not make players good or better. It doesn’t matter if you’re full bis but dying every week to the same mechanics or performing well under your potential. That applies to prot paladins with DC

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You’re wrong. Gear does make players better even if they’re bad. It’s how stat scaling works.

I have seen people in near bis get outperformed by people not nearly as geared. That being said the overall amount of damage they do is still considerable and if they had been in similar gear sets the overgeared bad player would be doing noticeably worse.

Being overgeared can help with the skill gap.

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If you say so “shrug”

If gear didn’t make players better why would you even want upgrades?

Something I’ve heard multiple times is “gear is a byproduct of good play”