Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

It’s just karmic justice for watching DW UH roll on Last Laugh for all of phase one.

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Oh buddy as a fellow neck beard, I encourage you to go outside. The fresh air will do ya good, take care and remember to smile :slight_smile:

Stamina trinkets are only useful to tanks that need the extra health. The avoidance ones are a waste of a trinket slot.

Dps trinkets give extra threat and are usually a 1k+ dps upgrade. However, if the tank is replacing a greatness, its only around a 200 dps upgrade.

All that being said, if it was a guild run and loot counciled to him then I’d start looking for a new guild. ICC 25m heroic week 1 at 0% wont be friendly to tanks with dps trinkets.

My main is on the EU realms, same name, feel free to have a gander.

For some reason the forums are still region locked and the EU ones are virtually dead.

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2 words that instantly tell everyone you have no idea what you’re doing.


I’m at around 26% dodge, I barely get an increase with dodge gems. And I’m not gemming Stamina because that’s lame and completely defeats the point of gems if all you do is gem ‘this color’ and ‘one other color to activate meta’.

I gemmed for socket bonus in OG TBC and OG Wrath; had no issue tanking or being healed in either.

Side Note:

I legit wonder why they didn’t do Block Rating gems. I mean, if they were looking to make ‘generic gem stats’ then Parry should have dropped since Bears can’t parry, but all tanks can dodge.

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How to make all your dps hate your guild 101

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What? That’s kind of the objectively correct order for tiny abomination in a jar. Prot legitimately gets more DPS out of it that pretty much any spec other than Ret.

Really wish this wasn’t a true statement. I like using tank trinkets but yeah, a lot of them are pretty boring and not as impactful as they could be. Just feels odd using dps trinkets to tank.

Ah now I get it, you’re just trying to start a new “everything is pally loot” meme.

This may be a dumb questions but if prot paladins are the best tanks in the game, how come no other tank, bears, dks, wars need DV for threat? Seems a bit weird to me.


None of the tanks need it for threat, the only reason they would take it would be for lols in 5 mans.

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well…that’s cool I guess.

Not at all, that very specific trinket is just hideously overpowered due to how it interacts with seals (and other ret passive procs) that make it several hundreds of DPS more than non-paladins.

I’d never personally prio a DV to a tank, especially given that they’ll now be able to run heroics soon to get the normal one.

But TaJ? Yeah, if I used a prio system (I don’t), it’d go Ret>Prot Pal>other DPS. The sims for other classes aren’t even close.

“To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,”” => Pallys now embody this meme.

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In what world does a tank roll on DC/DV in a pug? It’s like a pvper rolling on juggernauts vitality for pvp cuz it’s like a battle master trinket - pugs wouldn’t let it happen cuz it’s not “MS” (not that this would happen) Sure for min/maxers but most pugs aren’t min/maxers. I don’t disagree with you, but the OP isn’t wrong for reasonably expecting that a tank wouldn’t roll on such a high value trinket. Also… we don’t know the tanks gear, skill level, or rotation. DC would hold little value if the tank was barely geared enough to tank the content and isn’t playing prot pal correctly. A good prot paladin deserves DC. A bad one doesn’t

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In the most common scenario?

  1. Pally joins group as dps.
  2. Oh snap there are no tanks!
  3. “I can tank if we keep my dps prios”
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There is always backlash in that scenario. Dps don’t like when a tank prios their gear while also getting the benefit of taking tank gear.

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I think you shouldn’t have joined a raid with such undefined loot rules. But also MS>OS pugs are trash. Join a real raid or thats the risk you run

It’s BiS for prot paladins. Not many tank busters in ToGC normal or Heroic. Strength is amazing for prot paladins, this will allow him to generate substantially more threat reducing DPSs need for potential throttling. Faster kill times also mean less time to die which is survivability at it’s finest.

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